
We have an exciting opportunity for a Senior Electrician with Commissioning abilities. This role will be based in Co. Cork.Responsibilities:Electrical control system installationElectrical control systems commissioning & testingElectrical design and supervision work on Water and Wastewater pumping and treatment installations with instrumentation and controlsUnderstanding of PLC based automation & SCADA SystemsElectrical systems fault finding and rectificationSupervision and snagging of sub-contractors’ workSkills / Attributes.A minimum of 5 years, post apprenticeship work within Water or Wastewater treatment industry or contracting, pumps, instrumentation, automation and SCADA is a requirementGood electrical control systems knowledge & electrical fault finding in generalWorking with pumps, motors, chemical dosing equipment (incl pumps & controllers), control panelsWorking knowledge of PLC’s and general automationEducation Requirements.RECI [or equivalent] certified Electrician with 5 years post apprenticeship work experienceAll offers of Employment are subject to background checks, including right to work, and reference checks.If you have any questions or concerns, please reach out to our Recruitment team to discuss. Skills:Electrical Electrician Senior ElectricianBenefits:Company Vehicle Mobile Phone Pension Fund

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