CNM2 Kildare Day Services

Saint John of Liffey Services supports individuals with intellectual disabilities to be active participants within the community that they live in. Applications are invited for part time (19.5hrs) post of Clinical Nurse Manager2 based in the Liffey Region, Kildare Day Service (Celbridge). Clinical Nurse Manager II –Kildare Day ServicesPermanent Part-Time Position (19.5hrs)(Ref: KDCNM2-MAY2024)The successful candidate must be:On current register as maintained by the Nursing and Midwifery Board of Ireland and preferably possess the RNID qualificationA qualification in management is desirableHave at least 5 years post registration experience of which 3 must be in a management roleExperience in Adult Day Services is desirableA clear vision and implementation strategy for the future direction for adult day services in line with New Directions and the National Framework for Person Centred PlanningExperience with supporting people with a Dementia diagnosis is desirableStrong clinical, managerial and administrative skills evident in previous roles and the ability to transfer these skills to a new settingDemonstrate evidence of continued commitment to professional development and implement new skills/knowledge to benefit the serviceExperience of working with adults with disabilities in developmental, educational, training and / or work programmes.Excellent interpersonal, communication, ICT and organisational skillsEffective team management and change management skills and a proven track record in meeting targets and standardsProven ability to demonstrate creativity and initiative when identifying opportunities for meaningful community involvement, interaction and participation including supported employment.Knowledge and experience in Person Centred Planning and the use of Assistive TechnologyAn understanding of the importance of natural support networks and building social capitalExperience and in-depth knowledge of national policy on Safeguarding.A full clean Driver’s License and a commitment to drive as part of the role.  By applying for this position you are giving Saint John of God Community CLG. consent to have your personal data stored for the purpose of this competition only.     If you believe you have the necessary enthusiasm, competencies and experience to bring to this role, please apply by forwarding a cover letter and CV (including written explanation for any gaps in employment through the following link:  (Please include the post reference number in the subject line of your application KDCNM2-MAY2024)Applications will be short-listed on the information supplied in the Curriculum Vitae and a panel may be formed from which future vacancies will be filled. Full Job Description available from the Human Resources Department.  Informal enquiries to Leo Gordon 087 1239196     or Joanne O’Malley 087 2486460 Closing Date: 10th May 2024  Saint John of God Community Services Ltd is an equal opportunities employer. Please note that due to high volumes of applications we can only respond to candidates who have been shortlisted

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