Clinical Nurse Manager 2- Intensive Care and Cardiology Unit

Clinical Nurse Manager 2DepartmentIntensive Care and Cardiology Unit Job FunctionNursing Reporting to Assistant Director of Nursing/ Director of Nursing & Transformation Location Hermitage ClinicJob PurposeAs a key member of the Nursing team, the post holder will demonstrate excellent clinical skills, quality patient care initiatives and facilitate effective interpersonal communication with colleagues in the unit(s) and hospital. The role will provide comprehensive nursing leadership and will act as a role model for excellence in patient care.The CNM2 will communicate and collaborate with the medical/nursing staff teams in the delivery of quality continuing care for the patient, including liaison with Consultants and other members of MDT. The CNM2s role will be essential in providing coordination andmanagement of all nursing and delegated activity as well as the allocation and management of resources within the unit associated with this activity. The position requires a strategic approach to the development of services and structures, embracing continuous quality improvement and the management of changes necessary to achieve organisational objectives. The role demands a broad range of professional skills and knowledge as well as skills in communication, leadership, teaching and staff development.    Job Background/Context  Blackrock Health Hermitage Clinic (BHHC) is a state of the art 160 bed healthcare facility ideally located on at the junction of the N4 and M50 in Lucan, Co Dublin. The hospital provides a wide range of Emergency, Ambulatory, Interventional and Diagnostic care to for Adults and some services for Children. As a member of Irelands newest private health care group, Blackrock Health we are dedicated in ensuring our mission, vision and values are our guiding principles in ensuring our patients and staff have a world class experience. A career in Hermitage Clinic will ensure you are joining a diverse, dynamic and enthusiastic team of professionals, passionate about developing services to ensure we provide the best care in the most modern of facilities. We offer new recruits an array of supports to ensure you are enabled to develop your career. Please contact us directly to review our up to date opportunities and list of benefits.    Key Responsibilities  Operations:Lead the ICU and cardiology Nursing service taking responsibility for the safe delivery and co-ordination of nursing services for patients; ensuring an effective, efficient and quality specialist nursing care service.Alert Nursing Site Manager/Consultants/NCHD's to any problems which hinders the effective management of patients and utilisation of beds i.e. delays in investigation procedures etcContribute to the planning, development and monitoring of human and budget resource plans to ensure an effective and efficient service.Contribute to the planning of specialist nursing service, innovations and developments.Ensure that nursing care is based on the latest research findings and constitute best practice. Develop close links with other BHHC departments relevant to the delivery and enhancement of services. Monitor complaints and investigate any nursing complaints, taking corrective action as appropriate and review audit to ensure there are no re-occurrences.Ensure that all records are properly and accurately maintained.Facilitate effective communication with patients, relatives, visitors and multi-disciplinary team as necessary ensuring patient confidentiality is respected and maintained at all times.Communicate and develop effective relationships with Intensivists, Surgical/Medical Consultants, NCHD’s Clinical Nurse Managers and other relevant hospital staff to ensure safe, efficient management of the nursing service.Identify opportunities for the development of services that will improve the care of patients.Liaise with the ADON on a regular basis, as appropriate, providing feedback on Unit/Ward activity and issues.Ensure that systems for the provision of clinical and non-clinical services are satisfactory and that they are timely and economically utilised.Ensure that all staff within ICU/Cardiology are familiar with emergency procedures and aware of the location of emergency equipment and crash trolley’s.Work with the IT Department and clinicians in the development of computerised systems for patient management and ensure that these are maintained and upgraded.In consultation with staff continually monitor stock levels, suitability, usage and potential for savings. Provide advice to the ADON on any matters relating to the care of patients in the department.Promote a patient centred culture of openness and responsiveness to positive and constructive patient feedback and ensuring patient dignity, respect and choice is maintained in their care.   Leadership and Management Provide the necessary supervision, co-ordination and deployment of nursing and support staff to ensure the optimum delivery of care in the designated areasEnsure the efficient and effective use of nursing resources, advise on skill mix and staff allocation according to patients needs and service budgetEnsure the highest calibre staff are recruited to and retained within the ICU/HDU Department.Promote and affect a responsible and accountable culture amongst staff.Monitor absenteeism, staff turnover and staff satisfaction surveys with development of action plans where required.Provide clinical and management leadership for nurses and support staff and ensure an effective learning environment for the multidisciplinary team and take an active part in the delivery of care as appropriate.Work within the code of Professional Conduct for Nurses, participation in the development of the Scope of Practice and provide strong professional leadership and direction for nursing services.Promote an environment that is conducive to the development of best practice, enhances staff retention and promotes good industrial relations.Maintain a high level of staff morale, promoting good communication, team spirit and job satisfaction among members of the multidisciplinary team. Strive to ensure that staff are accountable, responsible and have authority to practice and manage within their roles.Play a role in the recruitment and selection of nursing and support staff for the service.Ensure that all new nursing and support staff in the Unit complete the ICU and cardiology orientation and induction programme and have a clear understanding of their duties, responsibilities and standards of performance at all times.Ensure that staff nurses and healthcare assistants are effectively supported with annual reviews and the development of personal development plans, where required.Assist in providing a duty roster that ensures resources are deployed effectively and efficiently to cope with fluctuations in workload, case complexity, adequate skills mix, planned activity or staff absence difficulties.Comply with all HR system and policy requirements including recording of relevant dataContribute to the formal mechanism for communication among the nursing team including schedules for staff meetings.Participate in teams / meetings / committees as appropriate, communicating and working in co-operation with other team members   Education & Training Provide professional and personal development opportunities for all nursing and support staff working with clinical facilitator to develop an appropriate programme of learning and education based on a planned (individual and department) training needs assessment.Ensure that all mandatory training is undertaken to a satisfactory level and promote and facilitate staff training, development within the department.Oversee that the requirements of NMBI for the practice of professional nursing are met and upheld including the development of an expanded scope of nursing practice.Maintain accurate records of all study leave and education resources used. Develop and implement an enhanced staff competence assessment relevant to the Department.Provide support advice to those engaging in continuous professional development encouraging team to undertake post graduate professional development in specialty.Be familiar with the curriculum training programme for student nurses and be aware of the clinical experience required to meet the needs of the programme.Maintain clinical competence in patient management within critical care nursing, keeping up-to-date with relevant research to ensure the implementation of evidence based practice.Provide the patient, family, and/or carer with appropriate information and other supportive interventions to increase their knowledge, skill, and confidence in managing their conditions.Contribute to the design, development, and implementation of education programmes and resources for the patient, family, and/or carer in relation to their diagnosis and treatment plan.Provide mentorship and preceptorship for nursing colleagues as appropriate.Participate in training programmes for nursing, MDT colleagues, and key stakeholders as appropriate.Create exchange of learning opportunities within the ICU.Be responsible for addressing own continuing professional development needs.  Quality Improvement and Risk ManagementEnsure that there is compliance with all relevant Hermitage Clinic guidelines, policies, procedures and relevant legislation and regulatory requirements. This includes responsibility for dealing with regulatory or professional bodies and inspections. Encourage continuous review and evaluation of policies, guidelines and existing practices through regular audit programmes and review engaging with the multi-disciplinary team where required.Promote a culture of continuous quality improvement across the department involving the team in continuous improvement initiatives and encouraging innovation. Set and monitor core objectives, standards and key performance indicators for the service and monitor performance against these standards through internal and (where applicable) external audit.Lead out on the requirements of the hospitals accreditation process.Participate fully in the requirement of the hospital’s risk management programme.Promote the delivery of a high standard of care to all patients. Encourage evidence-based practice and assist in the dissemination and implementation of research findings.Work with members of the Multidisciplinary team in devising Standard Operating Procedures for the development of the department.Provide clinical nursing leadership in proactively addressing ethical and quality of service issues with multidisciplinary team members and hospital management.Develop a culture of safety, promoting positive reporting of incidents and near misses; investigate and take remedial action on incidents or near misses involving patients and staff according to hospital policies, protocols and guidelines.Ensure that effective safety procedures are developed and managed to comply with statutory obligations, in conjunction with relevant staff e.g. health and safety procedures, emergency procedures. The Clinical Nurse Manager 2 will perform other duties appropriate to the post as may be assigned to him/her from time to time by the Line Manager.   Essential Criteria Knowledge/ExperienceBe registered in the general division of the Register of Nurses maintained by NMBIHave at least five years recent relevant post-registration nursing experience (full-time or equivalent hours part-time) in an acute hospital setting and a minimum of two years nursing experience in  the specialist areaHave acquired a level 8 post registration Quality and Qualifications Ireland (QQI), National Framework of Qualifications (NFQ) major academic award relevant to the specialist area of Intensive Care/ Coronary Care or Critical care Nursing (or similar) or be willing to complete within one year of taking up post.Skills/ Competencies·      Clinical Skills·      Management skills·      Leadership skills·      IT skills·      Quality focus·      Risk Management·      Clinical audit·      Excellent interpersonal and communication skills ·      Demonstrate the ability to build, lead and manage a team·      Demonstrate strong interpersonal skills including the ability to build and maintain relationships·      Demonstrate strong communication and influencing skills·      Demonstrate initiative and innovation in the delivery of service·      Demonstrate resilience and composure·      Demonstrate openness to change ·      Demonstrate integrity and ethical stanceDesirable Skills/Knowledge/ ExperienceExperience in teaching & assessingExperience with JCI standards Skills/ Competencies ACLS in date or be working towards same  This Job Description is intended as a basic guide to the scope and responsibilities of the position and is subject to regular review and amendment. The role holder will be required to be flexible in this position and is expected to facilitate working additional hours on occasion, when requested. 

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