CNM2 ; Cath Lab

Job Title; Nurse Manager –CNM2 Department ; Cardiac Catheterisation Laboratory Reports to ; ADON ; Cardiology Date ; 2024  Overall Purpose of Job We will provide exceptional patient care in an environment where quality, respect, caring and compassion are at the centre of all we do. The nurse manager is accountable for the effective delivery of competent, compassionate and efficient care for patients undergoing procedures in the Cardiac Catheterisation Laboratory. This includes clinical, human resources, and financial management. The Nurse Manager will work closely with the Director of Nursing, The Head of Cardiology Services and the Clinical Lead in Cardiology to deliver a high-quality Service. Key Responsibilities and Deliverables§ Provides leadership and direction for the staff in the Cardiac Catheterisation Laboratory while supporting and actualizing the goals of the department, division, service and Beacon Hospital.§ Ensures the effective delivery of competent, compassionate, and efficient care by monitoring and evaluating patient care processes and outcomes on the patient care units.§ Recruits and retains competent compassionate staff while monitoring performance standards and promoting fair labor practices.§ Promotes a work environment that demonstrates caring by accessibility of safe equipment and adequate supplies in an efficiently arranged physical setting.§ Operationalizes and participates in continuous quality improvement and risk management programs at the unit level in a collaborative manner with multidisciplinary colleagues.§ Works with the Head of Cardiology Services to ensure the goals and strategies for the service are met§ Monitors fiscal budget to control operational and capital expenditures while monitoring and adjusting staffing patterns to improve unit productivity.§ Identifies appropriate internal controls for department; provides mechanisms to monitor and enforce compliance.§ Performs related duties as required. Clinical ResponsibilitiesThe post holder will be familiar with and adhere to The Professional Scope of Practice Framework (NMBI 2015.) The post holder will partake in the Total Quality Management processes thereby contributing to:§ The identification of quality, policy & guideline issues.§ The evaluation of current practices to best practice.§ The setting of standards utilising structure, process and outcome.§ All hospital, regional and national audit processes.§ The Hospital Wide Accreditation Cycle.§ Health Promotion initiatives.  Strategic Role In conjunction with the Director of Nursing and The Head of Cardiology services ·        Develops and delivers change management initiatives within the unit·        define and establish policies and practices consistent with the service’s participation in accreditation processes  ·        Establish and set performance indicators and measurement targets for cardiology·        Manage and establish appropriate communications processes to facilitate top down (information   dissemination, strategic objectives/goals) and bottom up (360-degree feedback) channels of                                       communication   Interrelationships§ Maintains good working relationships with other departments and with physicians, patients, families and outside agencies.§ Communicates during the shift with the Nurse Supervisor and Director of Nursing.§ Demonstrates the ability to delegate tasks and responsibilities.§ Along with the Head of Cardiology Services participates in ongoing consultation and collaboration with the physicians and other care providers to maximise patient outcomes and unit specific goals.§ Participates in unit-based and interdepartmental QI activities.§ Demonstrates willingness to assist co-workers whenever needed. Personal & Professional ResponsibilitiesThe post holder is expected to:§ Attend in a timely manner all mandatory education sessions.§ Maintain a professional portfolio.§ Ensure their professional and personal persona positively reflects the profession of nursing and Beacon Hospital.§ Identify potential and beneficial topics for nursing research.§ Use all practical opportunities to educate the patient and their families.§ Attend appropriate study days & courses.§ Be a preceptor and or supervisor to students & newly appointed staff.§ Participate in their performance review with the Director of Nursing. Other Duties and Responsibilities§ Utilises effective time management skills.§ Maintains professional appearance and dress code.§ Complies with guidelines for absence or tardiness.§ Attends staff meetings, reads email and other postings.§ Attends all required in-services.§ All employees are expected to remain flexible to meet the needs of the hospital, which may include floating to other departments to assist as the patient needs fluctuate.§ Wears Identification badge when working.  Person Specification  Qualifications § NMBI Registered Nurse Licence in good standing.§ Post Graduate degree, relevant to the area is essential§ Preferably hold a post graduate qualification in management.  Experience § Seven years Cardiology/Cardiac Catheterisation Laboratory experience plus 3 years of progressive management experience preferred.  The employee, must speak, read and write grammatically correct English.§ Candidates must possess teaching abilities, leadership qualities, professional judgement, critical thinking and problem solving abilities, and a sense of professional development.§ Must demonstrate multi-tasking ability.  Job Specific Competencies and Knowledge Teamwork§ Demonstrate ability to work as part of a multi-disciplinary team.§ Demonstrate motivation and an innovative approach to job.Communication & Interpersonal Skills§ Demonstrate effective communication skills including the ability to present information in a clear and concise manner.§ Demonstrate an understanding of change management.Planning and Organising§ Demonstrate evidence of effective planning, organising and time management skills.§ Demonstrate flexible approach – to internal rotations, rostering e.g. night duty, theatre on call, attitude to work.Knowledge§ Demonstrate evidence of recent and relevant experience in the specialised area and in an acute hospital setting.§ Demonstrate knowledge of new developments in specialised area.§ Demonstrate knowledge of national strategies where appropriate to nursing care.Patient & Customer Focus§ Demonstrate a focus on quality.§ Demonstrate evidence of ability to empathise with and treat patients, relatives and colleagues with dignity and respect. Personal Competencies All posts in Beacon Hospital require a high level of flexibility to ensure the delivery of an effective and efficient service.  Therefore, the post holder will be required to demonstrate flexibility as and when required by their Manager.  This job description is intended to be an outline of the areas of responsibility and deliverables at the time of its writing.  As the Hospital and the post holder develop, this job description may be subject to review in light of the changing needs of the Hospital.  Job Description received by employee:  ___________________________________       ____________________                                                                                 Signature                                                                          Date                                                                                  ___________________________________                                                                                 Name (Block Capitals)

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