St. John of God Dublin South East Services provides a network of education, training, employment, respite and community living personnel supports to children and adults with intellectual disabilities in South Dublin. CNM1 Carmona Special National School 1 Year fixed Term ContractTerm Time Applications are invited for the post of CNM1, supporting and managing a staff team providing care for children with an intellectual disability in Carmona Special National School. This is an exciting opportunity for someone who is passionate about ensuring young children are provided with opportunities to develop their full potential in a compassionate and child centred environment. The successful candidate must:Be on the current register of the Nursing and Midwifery Board of Ireland and preferably RNID trained;Qualification with ID or Paediatric Nursing advantageous. Excellent knowledge and understanding of Health Act Regulations and all other relevant legislation as well as relevant social care models.Assessments for non-nursing personnel may be part of this role.Have a strong interest and /or experience in working with children with an intellectual disability and their families.Good leadership qualities, including excellent communication and interpersonal skills.The ability to manage, develop and motivate a staff team.Excellent communication, teamwork, interpersonal, organisational and initiative skills.Have an in-depth knowledge and understanding relevant legislation pertinent to support of children. Full manual Drivers licence is desirable.If you believe you have the necessary enthusiasm, competencies and experience to bring to this role please apply through the link below.Closing Date: 15th November 2024 Shortlisting will apply.Saint John of God Community Services Limited is an equal opportunities employer. We operate HSE (Health Service Executive) funded services across Intellectual Disability, Adult Mental Health and Child and Adolescent Psychiatry. HOSPITALITY COMPASSION RESPECT
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