CNM III Education and Practice Development

Peamount Healthcare is an independent voluntary organization providing health and social care to the community in conjunction with the HSE. The services provided include Rehabilitation for the older person and those with respiratory conditions, continuing Care Services are also provided for the older person, adults with neurological disabilities and individuals with intellectual disabilities. Peamount Healthcare is a developing organization and is in the process of expanding our rehabilitation services with the opening of 50 additional beds in 2020. Reporting Relationship The Education and Practice Development Manager will report to the Director of Nursing and will collaborate with the Assistant Directors of Nursing.Qualifications and or Experience 1. RNID/RGN of the Register of Nurses kept by An Bord Altranais.2. Be a Registered Nursing Tutor.3. Have five years post registration experience in Healthcare and/or Social Care.4. Postgraduate Qualification at Masters level in any of the specialities: Nursing Education, Aging in Intellectual Disability, Gerontology, Rehabilitation.5. Having a working knowledge of HIQA Standards6. Have demonstrated the ability to lead and report on and effect change in nursing practice.Desirable Experience working at managerial level within a clinical settingPurpose of Post To assist in the management of services provided by nursing and other personnel responsible to the Director of Nursing. To deputise for Assistant Director of Nursing as required.To develop Education & Training programmes in such a way as to support, facilitate and ensure the delivery of the highest standards throughout the organisation.To identify, develop, lead and deliver education and training in accordance with National Standards and Clinical requirements.Principle Duties and Responsibilities Particulars of Office Salary - As per Clinical Nurse Manager 3 grade as set out by the Department of Health and Children.Management · Develop Education & Training for Nursing & Care Staff & Students including undergraduates and Post Graduates.· Lead and develop programmes to implement ‘Train the Trainer’ and other learning systems across the organisation.· To manage the Policy Development process for the service, supporting staff with the formulation of policies, protocols, guidelines and procedures, which will ensure the highest standard of patient focused care. · Assist with the direction and supervision of the nursing and social care service to provide a high standard of patient care.· Establishing good working relations and systems of communication with the multidisciplinary teams.· Ensuring adequate resources are available to deliver Education, Training and Practice Development programmes. Seek funding opportunities and submit Business cases as required.· Be familiar with health and safety legislation and be proactive in ensuring staff and patient safety.Quality & Safety · Agree Education & Training KPI’s for the services and produce a plan for activity for the year with DON&SC.· Submit to the Director of Nursing regular reports on targets/performance indicators and action plans as required.· Lead on projects that are relevant to clinical teams & management and meet the requirements of external bodies.· Support improvement projects across the organisation in conjunction with the Quality Department.Training & Education · Support the Implementation of the Epicare care planning system across the campus.· Identify training needs analysis and training gaps to ensure safe patient care and provide training as appropriate.· Identify and develop appropriate education programmes for staff in consultation with the Assistant Director of Nursing, Clinical Nurse Managers, Nursing Administration and Quality & Safety Committees. · Deliver programmes of training in house for the Clinical areas.· Keep up to date with nursing literature, recent nursing research and new developments in nursing practice, management and education.· Initiate, facilitate and take part in relevant nursing research and promote research awareness within the nursing service of the organisation.· Identify, develop, implement and monitor patient dependency systems, which are accurate, user friendly and reflect best practice.· Conduct staffing reviews as required to support safe staffing. Provide the necessary information for nursing administration to permit the determination of appropriate skill/grade mix for all of our services.· Submit a yearly training needs assessment and an educational plan for nurses, health care assistants and household staff to meet the changing needs of our serviceEnd of life · Deliver end of life training to all Nursing and frontline staff in line with the Irish Hospice Foundation “What Matters to me”.· Conduct End of life reviews and support staff with the outcomes.· Support staff with care planning in this area across the campus.The above Job Specification is not intended to be a comprehensive list of all duties involved and consequently, the post holder may be required to perform other duties as appropriate to the post which may be assigned to him/her from time to time and to contribute to the development of the post while in office Skills, competencies and/or knowledge Professional Knowledge and Experience · Demonstrate a high degree of commitment, professionalism and dedication to the philosophy of quality health care provision.· Demonstrate in depth knowledge of applying standards to practice, quality improvement process and clinical governance frameworks.· Evidence of participation and contribution to accreditation/ HIQA Compliance / Quality Improvement processes.· Understanding of evidence based practice and consequence of variation from practice.· Knowledge and experience of implementing standards, policies, procedures and guidelines in the area of quality.Managing and Delivering Results in a complex environment · Excellent organisational and time management skills to meet objectives within agreed timeframes to achieve high standards of education, training and practice development.· Ability to work to tight deadlines and operate effectively with multiple competing priorities.· Experience and knowledge of the issues and developments and current thinking in relation to best practice in Health & Social Care.Critical Analysis & Decision Making · Excellent analytical skills to enable analysis, interpretation of data and data extraction from multiple data sources.· Understanding and knowledge of both quantitative and qualitative data· Ability to evaluate complex information from a variety of sources and make effective decisions.· Ability to think and act strategically and develop practical, innovative and creative solutions to improve Quality of patient & service user experience.· Ability to analyse training needs and implement education and training programmes in line with best practice.Leadership. Building & Maintaining Relations · Experience of successfully leading and managing a diverse team.· Experience of coaching, with the ability to transfer knowledge and skills effectively.· Ability to lead and manage change to improve service delivery.· Ability to build and maintain positive working relationships in a multidisciplinary team to achieve organisational goals.· Has the ability to effectively motivate others.· Demonstrate evidence of influencing skills in a complex work environment.Other requirements specific to the post Access to own transport as the post will involve some travel.Closing date for receipt of applications for the above post is Friday 10th April 2020 @ 12 noon.

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