CME Tutor - Waterford

Job Title: CME Tutor Waterford             Reporting to: National Director CME & ICGP Medical DirectorBase: Remote - WaterfordContract type:  Fixed-term for two years, part-time – Equivalent of one day per week.About the ICGP  The Irish College of General Practitioners is the postgraduate training body (PGTB) responsible for postgraduate education, training and research in the specialty of General Practice. The College has a national advisory role in relation to medical standards and engages with the Medical Council, Department of Health and Children, the Health Service Executive and the Health Information & Quality Authority among others. As a membership organisation, the ICGP is responsible for providing and supporting the continuous professional development for general practitioners, numbering over 4,000. The ICGP is the PGTB accredited by the Medical Council to provide professional training for doctors wishing to enter the specialty of General Practice.The ICGP is an equal opportunities employer. We are committed to ensuring that all job applicants and employees receive equal treatment regardless of gender, civil status, family status, sexual orientation, religion, age, disability, race, membership of the Traveller community, or any other protected characteristic under Irish equality legislation. We are committed to making reasonable accommodations to enable applicants to participate in the job application and interview process. Please email to discuss any accommodations required.Job PurposeThe ICGP CME small group learning has been the most popular type of GP educational experience since its inception in the early 1980's. The meetings aim to develop and support excellent patient care in Irish General Practice through the delivery of continuous medical education, which promotes evidence based medicine with shared decision making, along with GP personal development. Key Result Areas (KRA’s)Each tutor should be responsible for facilitating a minimum of three CME groups. These groups should be open to GPs who meet the requirement for the ICGP PCS and who are living or working in the catchment area of the tutor’s group.Notify all participating GPs, by means of email and/or WhatsApp, of all small group meetings. The Tutor should ensure that at least seven two hourly meetings of formally organised accessible and worthwhile small group CME is available to each GP in the area per annum. Provide a syllabus for all the small groups in consultation with the participants, with the National Director and with other providers of CME within the faculties in the designated area. Tutors will prepare meetings based on educational material which has been assessed at the national tutor workshop or on material that they have prepared themselves which promotes evidence-based medicine with shared decision making along with GP personal development. The topics covered should range from therapeutic and clinical skills to attitudinal meetings and management skills. The meetings should be in keeping with the vision and mission statement of the network.Use assessment methods to evaluate the benefits of the programme to individual participants as part of the curriculum.The tutor may be assisted in some scheme by group leaders who, following briefing by the tutor, will lead a group. The tutor will ensure that the group leader is provided with all educational material and guidance required to run the meetings. The tutor will also arrange a formal debrief of the meeting with the leader and gather details of the meeting attendance.Maintain full attendance records of all meetings and return these monthly to the National Director. These monthly reports should include the number of meetings held, their format, the attendance at each meeting, a copy of the agenda and material used and evaluation sheets.Provide participants with a CPD Code or certificate of attendance detailing CPD points and entitlement to GMS study leave.Adhere to the ICGP Sponsorship policy in any dealings with sponsors of educational eventsAttend the complete CME Tutor’s workshop three times per year.CME Tutors will adhere to all relevant policies and guidelines on the CME Tutor Network Scheme. This will include, but not limited to, participating in scheme visits, maintenance of records, attendance at workshops and submitting reports to National Director of CME as required.In relation to Group Leaders, CME Tutors should oversee and manage group leaders as laid down in the scheme polices and guidelines.The tutor maybe required to participate in research to demonstrate learning outcomes of the CME network or similar projects.  Person specificationThe ideal candidate will have the following knowledge, skills, expertise and competencies:Qualifications & experienceEssential   Registration on the Register of Medical Specialists in the division of General Practice (Medical Council).Must be a member of the Irish College of General Practitioners, holding MICGP and in good standing.Practising general practitioner doing a minimum of five clinical sessions a week living and practising within or near the designated ICGP Faculty area. Must be enrolled on and fully compliant with the ICGP Professional Competence Scheme.  Behavioral competenciesProven professional knowledge & experienceOrganisational skillsEducation provision skillsCommunications and interpersonal skillsSelf-ManagementPlease note that communication in respect of this position will come from our recruitment platform Occupop so please review spam folders and settings to ensure that emails from Occupop will be delivered to your email address.

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