Clinical Specialist Radiographer – Ultrasound

Overview of Role  The Radiology Department provides a service to both Inpatients and Outpatients. It includes General Radiography, Theatre Imaging, Ultrasound, Cath Lab, MRI and Diagnostic CT services, DEXA. The holder of this post will work as a member of the Radiology Department and multi- disciplinary teams, providing a high-quality Ultrasound service to patients in accordance with professional standards of practice. The post holder must be able to manage in a rapidly changing environment and be willing to undertake such additional duties within UPMC, as may be assigned from time to time.Duties & Responsibilities   Engage in leadership when required to do so, creating and promoting healthy working relationships. Provide strategic and clinical leadership which results in the delivery of an effective, efficient, quality assured and patient centred Ultrasound service.Be accountable for the quality of the service provided, including customer service and technical aspects.Manage patient care to ensure the highest professional standards using an evidence based, care planning approach.Contribute to the development and implementation of operational policies, protocols and guidelines to ensure optimum utilisation of resources and systematic audits of such usage.Liaise closely with the Radiology Services Manager (s), Consultant Radiologists and other staff members as appropriate to ensure the smooth running of the service.Report all operational issues to Radiography Services Manager (s)Contribute to the preparation of plans for the service monitor and report on their implementation. Implement and maintain accurate information systems for clinical data in accordance with hospital standards.Provide practical instruction for students and other health care professionalsMembership of the IIRRT Ultrasound User Group (desirable)Responsible for documentation and investigation of complaintsDocument appropriately and report any near misses, hazards and accidents and bring them to the attention of the relevant personAdvise on equipment selection, purchase, replacement and upgrading when required and maintain up-to-date knowledge on new developments Demonstrate evidence of effective planning and organising skills including awareness of resource management and importance of cooperation with other Departments.Ensure PACS/RIS system is used effectively and appropriately to reflect the workflow in the department. Special consideration needs to be given to the use of Notes, developing templates for all Sonographers who supply Radiography reports on the PACS/RIS system.Quality & Audit: Participate in providing department audits and statistics.Cooperate with Risk Management Programmes, Safer Better Healthcare Standards Implementation Process, the implementation of other HIQA guidelines and recommendations, and with Health & Safety Programmes and other programmes & processes as deemed relevant.To attend staff meetings and to collaborate with radiography staff for new department initiatives.Health and Safety:Investigate and take appropriate action in accordance with hospital policy in relation to complaints, accidents and incidents.Ensure that all hospital policies and relevant legislation on radiation safety and ultrasound safety is understood by staff and complied with.Implement and maintain a quality assurance programme for the Department.Have a working knowledge of HIQA Standards as they apply to the role.Contribute to risk assessment and oversee the implementation of the department’s safety statement; identify risks and take appropriate actionMaintain, enhance, and develop knowledge, skill and aptitudes necessary to respond to changing clinical profile of patients, hospital/service developments and legal requirements such as licensing.Be willing to learn. Actively participate in professional development through self-learning, formal courses, formal and/or informal on the job training. Provide peer support when necessary. Participate in mandatory training programmesEngage in performance review with his/her managerIdentify teaching/learning/audit/opportunities within the department for themselves/others.To undertake any other duties commensurate with the grade as requested.The standard working week applying to the post is to be confirmed at Job Offer stage.Education RequirementsEligible Criteria:Possess a Degree in Radiography or the Diploma of the College of RadiographersMust be registered in the Radiographer’s Division by the Radiographers Registration Board maintained at CORU.Must have not less than 6 years fulltime post qualification clinical experiencePossess a recognised postgraduate course in Ultrasound, as recognised by the IIRRT Have no less than 4 years practical clinical experience working in the specialty.Possess the requisite knowledge and ability (including a high standard of suitability and management ability) for the proper discharge of the duties. This job description is intended to be an outline of the areas of responsibility. As UPMC Ireland and the post holder develop, this job description may be subject to review considering the changing needs of UPMC.UPMC is an equal opportunity employer. We celebrate diversity and are committed to creating an inclusive environment for all employees. At UPMC we provide a total rewards program that is not only market competitive, but fair and provides growth opportunities for all our colleagues.Compensation – Competitive pay for the work employees do – base pay, performance related pay and premium pay where applicable.Benefits – Fully paid maternity and paternity leave for new parents. Competitive Pension Plan, company funded Death in Service Benefit x 3 times. Critical Illness cover for all employees up to the age of 66.Performance and Recognition – Rewards for performance that supports the goals and mission of UPMC through our annual ACES programme.Work-Life Balance – Enhanced annual leave up to a maximum of 27 days. Flexible working opportunities to support you to work around external family commitments.Development and Career Opportunities – Opportunities for each employee to reach their career goals through continued learning and/or advancement. About UPMC:A $26 billion healthcare provider and insurer, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania-based UPMC is inventing new models of patient-centred, cost-effective, accountable care. Working in close collaboration with the University of Pittsburgh Schools of the Health Sciences, UPMC shares its clinical, managerial, and technological skills worldwide through its innovation and commercialisation arm, UPMC Enterprises, and through UPMC International. Providing high-quality healthcare in the South East since 2006, UPMC’s operations in Ireland now include UPMC Whitfield Hospital in Waterford, UPMC Sports Surgery Clinic in Dublin, UPMC Kildare Hospital in Clane and UPMC Aut Even Hospital in Kilkenny. Outpatient care is available at the UPMC Carlow Outreach Centre, UPMC Hillman Cancer Centre radiotherapy locations at UPMC Whitfield and in Cork, the UPMC Sports Medicine Clinic at SETU Arena, Waterford, TUS Moylish Campus, Limerick, TUS Thurles Campus, Tipperary, and the UPMC Concussion Network.  

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