Clinical Specialist Physiotherapy – Medical and Respiratory

Job Title                     Clinical Specialist Physiotherapy – Medical and Respiratory Department PhysiotherapyJob Type PermanentHours                          35 hours per week (Full Time) Blackrock Clinic is the leading and longest established private hospital and clinic in Ireland. Since it opened in the mid-1980s, the clinic has consistently built an unparalleled reputation in new high-tech surgical procedures, medical treatments, and ground-breaking diagnostics. Blackrock Clinic is now part of Blackrock Health private hospital group along with the Hermitage Clinic, Galway Clinic, and Limerick Clinic, some of the most advanced hospitals in Irish private healthcare. As a JCI accredited hospital, Blackrock Clinic is a progressive and pioneering hospital in which care for the patient is central to everything we do. ROLE PURPOSE·      You must practice within the Codes of Practice, Rules and Guidelines set out by the Irish Society of Chartered Physiotherapists, CORU and comply with the policies and procedures of Blackrock Clinic.·      Develop and promote high standards of clinical practice and skills in the area of specialty.·      Contributing to a structure process for education of colleagues, post-graduates and other health professionals.·      Involvement in research and audit activities.·      Acting as an information resource for colleagues locally, regionally or nationally·      Leading and developing a highly skilled Inpatient and Outpatient Team.QUALIFICATIONS, EXPERIENCE·      Physiotherapy qualification validated by CORU and the Irish Society of Chartered Physiotherapy·     CORU registered·      Continued Professional Development Diary including evidence of reflective practice, In-service training, courses attended and Clinical Governance gained·      Post graduate degree relevant to the clinical specialty or Post graduate qualification relevant to the clinical specialty·      Demonstrated Clinical specialty·      Demonstrated teaching role KEY RESPONSIBILITIES1.    Clinical Practice1.1       Implement current best practice guidelines.1.2       Ensure that the physiotherapy service delivered to patients meets professional and European standards of practice.1.3       Provide advice and support to physiotherapy and multi-disciplinary colleagues on clinical practice issues. 2. Evaluation/Research2.1    Demonstrate leadership in the area of research and advise as required on research methodology.2.2    Critically appraise the evidence base for physiotherapy intervention and apply it to monitor/change practice.2.3    Actively participate in projects/research in clinical area.2.4    Disseminate findings locally and if appropriate nationally.2.5    Publish within the clinical field in peer-reviewed journals/periodicals.2.6    Initiate and undertake service evaluation.  3.  Education/Teaching3.1     Act as an advisor and education resource to colleagues locally, regionally and nationally.3.2     Facilitate the CPD of senior staff.3.3     Assist in the ongoing development of in-service training programme ensuring that the training reflects the needs of the specialty service.3.4     Be responsible for the clinical supervision of primarily senior staff within specialty.3.5     Participate in teaching other professionals and ancillary staff at qualification and post-qualification levels.3.6     Keep abreast with current developments in clinical practice by attending seminars, conferences and post-graduate courses.3.7     Liaise with clinical and academic staff of affiliate colleges and participate in the clinical training and assessment of physiotherapy students in the absence of an appropriate senior. 4.  Practice/Service Development4.1      To advise the Physiotherapy Manager on the management, evaluation and development of Services in liaison with senior staff and other disciplines.4.2       Liaise with the Physiotherapy Manager regarding referral pathways to the specialist area and patient management to ensure a safe, effective and efficient service.4.3      Appraise and review performance with Physiotherapy Manager as per departmental practice.4.4      Set up and participate in clinical audit activities to monitor clinical standards.4.5      Lead the physiotherapy service within the clinical field.4.6      Develop links with colleagues at national and international levels within specialty with a view to enhancing clinical standards and developing the role of the specialist.4.7      Liaise with staff of other disciplines and ensure that effective communication and reporting takes place at all times.4.8      Serve on and advise such committees that may be set up relevant to this area of clinical specialty and be available to act as expert advisor.4.9      Demonstrate a critical understanding of the wider context in which practice occurs e.g.. social, political, inter-professional collaboration.4.10   Be aware of resource management in the context of changes in health service delivery.4.11   Maintain comprehensive and accurate patient and activity records, which may be used in service evaluation.4.12   Perform such other duties as maybe assigned by the Physiotherapy Manager.4.13   Understand the needs of delivering high quality, cost effective services in the private setting.   5.   Professional Expectations5.1   Maintain documents according to the policies and procedures of Blackrock Clinic.5.2   Report relevant information verbally and in writing to appropriate personnel.5.3   Respond appropriately to patient/family requests and questions.5.4     Communicate appropriate with colleagues and other members of the health care team.5.5     Recognise self-limitations and seek assistance.5.6     Attend and contribute in staff meetings and team briefing.5.7     Communicate in a manner that avoids antagonism, reduces conflict and prevents undue anxiety.5.8     Liaise and support senior members of staff and nurses.5.9   Facilitate culture change were necessary.5.10  Maintain standards of care.5.11  Assist and encourage the building of positive relationships.5.12  Report all incidents immediately, which may adversely affect a patient, colleague or the Blackrock Clinic.        6.   Professional Expectations6.1   Function within the limits of the Irish Society of Chartered Physiotherapists and hospital policies, procedures and standards.6.2   Support the Mission Statement of Blackrock Clinic.6.3   Observe appropriate lines of authority.6.4   Demonstrate flexibility by assisting in other areas of the hospital as required.6.5   Set annual goals and objectives with Head of Department.6.6   Continue to develop personal knowledge and skills.6.7   Seek and take education opportunities in addition to those provided by the hospital.6.8   Provide direct supervision to other members of the team when appropriate.6.9   Participate in working groups to develop and promote quality care within Blackrock Clinic.6.10   Participate in the education of learners and assist with the orientation of new personnel.6.11   Present a professional appearance and is punctual.6.12   Accept responsibility for “Acting Up” in specific instances, as assigned.Why work at the Blackrock Clinic?At the Blackrock Clinic, we are passionate about our people and believe in their development and growth. As a member of the team you can benefit from:  • Competitive salary• Onsite parking• Pension• Annual bonus*• Discounted café• Sports and Social club• Employee Assistance Programme• Discounted onsite pharmacy Please Note:Job descriptions are a reflection of the present service requirements and may be subject to review and amendments to meet the changing needs of the service. Please note that we reserve the right to close this vacancy early if sufficient applications are received.Blackrock Clinic is an Equal Opportunities employer, and we are committed to creating an environment that promotes equality and dignity at work. Blackrock Clinic is committed to providing reasonable accommodation when needed. Please advise if you have particular requirements, so that we can look into arranging reasonable adjustments to the recruitment process. You can contact us at It is essential that you have valid work permission for the Republic of Ireland to take up employment for this position, or in the case of critical skills, you must be eligible for a work permit.

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