Clinical Specialist Physiotherapist – Pelvic Health

Clinical Specialist Physiotherapist – Pelvic HealthApplications are invited to apply for the position of Clinical Specialist Physiotherapist – Pelvic Health. This is a full-time or part-time permanent position with the option of flexible working hours. Candidates are required to have experience in the treatment of the following conditions:·      Gynaecologic surgery·      Gynaecological oncology surgery·      Bowel, bladder and sexual dysfunction·      Radiotherapy·      Robotic prostatectomyCandidates will be required to treat these conditions in an inpatient and outpatient capacity. The Clinical Specialist Physiotherapist will:·      Provide physiotherapy assessment and intervention to patients assigned to his/her caseload.·      Be an expert clinical lead for the Pelvic Health Physiotherapy service·      Promote and ensure the clinical effectiveness of the Pelvic Health Physiotherapy service through performance management, education, audit and research·      Evaluate and develop clinical effectiveness and research in the specialist area·      Collate and analyze data to evaluate effectiveness. He/she will be required to produce and present reports when requested·      Develop the Pelvic Health physiotherapy service in line with hospital service demand and progression·      Have experience in mentoring, educating and providing in-service training to other professions and colleagues  Essential Criteria 1. Statutory Registration, Professional Qualifications, Experience, etc (a) Candidates for appointment must: (i) Be registered, or be eligible for registration, on the Physiotherapists Register maintained by the Physiotherapists Registration Board at CORU. AND (ii) Have five years full time (or equivalent) years post qualification clinical experience of which four years full time (or equivalent) must be consecutive in the required area of specialism. AND (iii) Demonstrate a proven record of clinical excellence in the specialism. AND (iv) Professional Development and Practice Candidates must demonstrate evidence of continuing professional development relevant to the required area of specialism, in the form of post-graduate qualifications or relevant courses.Candidates must demonstrate achievement in the areas of clinical audit, quality improvement initiatives, practice development, teaching and research. AND (v) Have the requisite knowledge and ability (including a high standard of suitability, management, leadership and professional ability) for the proper discharge of the duties of the office. AND (vi) Provide proof of Statutory Registration on the Physiotherapists Register maintained by the Physiotherapists Registration Board at CORU before a contract of employment can be issued. 2. Annual registration (i) On appointment practitioners must maintain annual registration on the Physiotherapists Register maintained by the Physiotherapists Registration Board at CORU Job Description available on request.MATER PRIVATE NETWORK IS AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITIES EMPLOYER  

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