Clinical Specialist Respiratory Physiotherapist

Clinical Specialist Respiratory PhysiotherapistApplications are invited to apply for the position of Clinical Specialist Respiratory Physiotherapist.This is a full-time position, with Flexible working hours and conditions.RequirementsPossess a university qualification in Physiotherapy such as the Bachelor in Physiotherapy (Hons) degree from the National University of Ireland or equivalent.Have a minimum of five years post qualification experience.To show initiative and work without direct supervision.Ability to work effectively within a multi-disciplinary team with a flexible and adaptable approach.Excellent interpersonal skills.Experience in Intensive Care / Acute Respiratory essentialClinical Specialist PhysiotherapistPurpose of PostTo manage the respiratory services provided by the physiotherapy dept, ensuring that standards are maintained, including training of physiotherapy staff and maintenance of equipment. The services include ICU and Acute Respiratory - Cardiorespiratory and Surgical and advice and education to colleagues in other areas providing respiratory input.To provide services to patients to develop, maintain and restore maximum movement and functional ability based on the physiotherapist assessment, diagnostic planning, intervention and evaluation.Under the general direction of the Physiotherapy Services Manager, is responsible for education of staff, patients, other health care personnel regarding physiotherapy services and issues.Contribute to development of department budget and services and represent department on hospital committees.Develop appropriate protocols in the area to ensure that assessments and treatments are in line with current best practice. Job description available on request.  MATER PRIVATE HOSPITAL IS AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITIES EMPLOYER

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