Clinical Specialist Pelvic Health Physiotherapist (Part Time)

Job Title: Clinical Specialist Pelvic Health Physiotherapist (Part-time)Department: PhysiotherapyReports to: Allied Therapy ManagerDate: 2025This role will be 21 hours per week.Overall Purpose of JobWe will provide exceptional patient care in an environment where quality, respect, caring and compassion are at the centre of all we do. Key Responsibilities  1.     PROFESSIONAL RESPONSIBILITIES: 1.1.1.     Aid in Co-ordination and delivery of an effective and efficient Pelvic Health Physiotherapy Service, based on assessment of needs.1.1.2.     Develop and administer the highest quality of service by identifying and implementing operational procedures in line with best practice standards.1.1.3.     Keep abreast with new developments, skills and technology to ensure continuing competence in the job.1.1.4.     Enhance his/her skills in order to initiate and respond to changes in the work environment. 2.     MANAGEMENT RESPONSIBILITIES:2.1.1.     To participate in the management of the Physiotherapy Service in co-operation with the Allied Therapy Manager.2.1.2.     To create and promote good working relationships through open communication.   2.1.3.     To actively participate in and promote continuing education and research activities consistent with the position.2.1.4.     To maintain appropriate records and statistics sufficient for organisational and legal purposes to include work related injuries/incidents.2.1.5.     To regularly review Pelvic Health Policy and guideline documents.2.1.6.     To assist the Allied Therapy Manager in achieving Quality and Accreditation requirements for Pelvic Health service2.1.7.     To provide intra disciplinary education to promote Pelvic Health Physiotherapy service in Beacon Hospital.  3.     STAFF MANAGEMENT3.1.1.     To lead by example a professional, dedicated and punctual team.3.1.2.     To encourage professional development of team members through promotion of self-learning, formal courses and in-service training.  NOTE 1. The hours of work are Part time and at the discretion of the Allied Therapy Manager based on service needs.Person SpecificationQualificationsCandidates must hold a degree in Physiotherapy and be CORU registered.Experience Candidates must hold at least 5 years post graduate experience in the area of Pelvic Health Physiotherapy.Candidates must have a proven track record of clinical/academic achievement in their specialist field.A suitable post graduate qualification in Pelvic Health Physiotherapy is desirable, not essential.Experience in dealing with Pre and Post-surgical Urology and Gynaecology patients.Job Specific Competencies and KnowledgeIn addition to the responsibilities and core competencies of a Clinical Specialist Physiotherapist:The candidate must have/display the following attributes: Applies expert clinical knowledge and reasoning skills in assessment, planning, implementation and evaluation of patient interventions in this patient cohort.Demonstrates an advanced level of knowledge and Clinical Reasoning skills within the areas of Urology, Gynaecology and Outpatient Pelvic Health cohorts.Carries out clinical duties in the area in keeping with current evidence-based practiceDelivers a holistic patient focused approach and embraces the MDT perspectiveApplies evidence-based outcome measures to evaluate efficacy of treatment and Quality of careBalances clinical demands with other responsibilities.Generates new knowledge and skills in the specified area of Physiotherapy.Disseminates advanced ethical awareness and responsibilities in specific areas.Demonstrates leadership and an understanding of service planning.Demonstrates a critical understanding of the context in which practice occurs for example social, political and inter professional collaboration.Personal CompetenciesAll posts in Beacon Hospital require a high level of flexibility to ensure the delivery of an effective and efficient service. Therefore, the post holder will be required to demonstrate flexibility

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