Clinical Psychologist

For over 40 years, Prosper has been at the forefront of providing high-quality, person-centred services to adults with intellectual disabilities in North County Dublin and Co Meath. Due to continued expansion across our services, an exciting opportunity has arisen for a qualified Clinical Psychologist to join our progressive multidisciplinary team. The successful candidate will deliver psychology services to the individuals we support across Prosper Fingal and Prosper Meath, in conjunction with the Senior Clinical Psychologist and Clinical Services Manager in line with service plan, organisational objectives and within established professional standards, guidelines and policy. Salary Scale: €53,021 - €90,771 (Depending on Experience)Hours: 37 hoursReporting to: Clinical Services Manager  The successful candidate must possess the following:  Hold a recognised postgraduate qualification in clinical or counselling psychology that is acceptable to Prosper, is recognised by the Psychological Society of Ireland, and validated by the Department of Health and Children. A keen interest in progressing disability servicesFull, clean, manual driving license  The successful candidate must demonstrate the following skills, competencies and knowledge:A commitment to assuring high standards and strive for a person-centred serviceCompetence in delivering a professional serviceAn awareness of current professional issuesA clear understanding of professional ethicsKnowledge of research methodsExcellent communication skills (verbal & written) to effectively carry out the duties and responsibilities of the roleSufficient clinical knowledge and evidence-based practice to carry out the duties and responsibilities of the role An ability to apply knowledge from best practiceAn ability to plan and deliver support in an effective and resourceful manner within a model of person-centred planning.An ability to effectively evaluate information and make appropriate decisionsDisplay effective interpersonal skills including the ability to collaborate with colleagues, families, carers, etc.Effective team working Adaptable to change and commitment to continuing professional development Working with Prosper provides excellent terms and conditions including:Generous Annual LeaveSick Pay SchemePensionEmployee Assistance ProgrammeTraining / Continuous professional developmentCycle to Work SchemeCareer Progression OpportunitiesSuperb facilitiesPositive work environment We would love to hear from you if you have a relevant qualification, experience, and are looking to enhance your career in an environment that upholds the highest of standards. Prosper Group is an Equal Opportunities Employer

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