GradeClinical Nurse Specialist (General)LocationWe have roles open in both our West Cork Office (Bantry) & at Marymount University Hospital & Hospice, Curraheen, CorkThe RoleThe Clinical Nurse Specialist will undertake a diverse range of responsibilities within the community palliative care team, offering specialised nursing advice, expertise, and support. Working closely with the Primary Care Team in the Community and the Hospital team, they will contribute to the development of palliative care services in accordance with national recommendations. Their duties encompass supervising and recommending evidence-based nursing practices, effectively managing change, and ensuring that patient and family needs are met within available resources. They will actively participate in service development, staff training, and budget planning, serving as a role model for nursing staff both in hospital and community settings. Facilitating communication within the ward and across internal and external departments of the palliative care service is also paramount. Moreover, they will step in as required to deputise for the Clinical Nurse Manager III and provide hospital management cover when necessary. Managing the resources of the Palliative Nursing Service internally and in the community, as well as in general and community hospitals, to optimise efficiency and effectiveness is a central aspect of their role. Responsibilities - The post holder will be responsible for; Provide a specialist nursing service for patients that requires support and treatment through the continuum of care.Undertake a comprehensive patient assessment, including physical psychological, social and spiritual elements of care utilising validated assessment toolsIdentify the services required for patients ensuring diagnostics and rehabilitation are achieved promptly.Support the delivery of sub speciality clinics/ in conjunction with MDT colleagues.Participate in case review with MDT colleagues.Take a proactive role in the formulation and provision of evidence based PPPGs related to the area of specialist practice.Communicate, negotiate and represent patient’s values and decisions in relation to their condition in collaboration with MDT colleagues.Provide relevant education, in terms of knowledge, skills and attitudes for all healthcare staff.Maintain clinical competence, keeping up-to-date with relevant research to ensure the implementation of evidence based practice. Maintain a record of clinically relevant data aligned to national KPI’s as directed and advised by DON and senior management. Identify, initiate and conduct nursing and MDT audit and research projects relevant to the area of specialist practice.Marymount University Hospital & Hospice is running a recruitment campaign at Clinical Nurse Specialist (CNS) and Candidate Clinical Nurse Specialist (cCNS ) campaigns concurrently. Any posts not filled by CNS appointees may be filled by the Candidate CNS panel created on foot of this campaign, as an interim measure. The CNS panel will take precedence over Candidate CNS panel. Eligibility Criteria:CNS Eligibility Criteria:Be a registered nurse/midwife on the active General Register of Nurses and Midwives held by An Bord Altranais and Cnáimhseachais na hÉireann (Nursing and Midwifery Board of Ireland) or be eligible to be so registered. ANDHave a minimum of 1 years’ post registration full time experience or an aggregate of 1 years’ full time experience in the division of the register in which the application is being madeANDHave a minimum of 1 years’ experience or an aggregate of 1 years’ full time experience in specialist area of palliative care or oncology.ANDHave successfully completed a post registration programme of study, as certified by the education provider which verifies that the applicant has achieved a Quality and Qualifications Ireland (QQI), National Framework of Qualifications (NFQ) major academic Level 9 or higher award that is relevant to the specialist area of care (equivalent to 60 ECTS or above), and in line with the requirements for specialist practice as set out by the National Council for Nursing and Midwifery 4th ed (2008). Alternatively provide written evidence from the Higher Education Institute that they have achieved the number of ECTS credits equivalent to a Level 9 or higher standard, relevant to the specialist area of care (equivalent to 60 ECTS or above), and in line with the requirements for specialist practice as set out by the National Council for Nursing and Midwifery 4th ed (2008). ANDBe required to demonstrate that they have continuing professional development (CPD) relevant to the specialist area. ANDHave the ability to practice safely and effectively fulfilling his/her professional responsibility within his/her scope of practiceMarymount University Hospital & Hospice reserve the right to create a panel for this post from which permanent, fixed term and specified purpose vacancies of a full or part time duration may be filled.
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