Clinical Nurse Specialist Cardiology/Electrophysiology

Job Title                     Clinical Nurse Specialist Cardiology/Electrophysiology  Accountable               Matron Hours                          37.5 hours per week Grade                         CNS Reports                       Assistant Director of Nursing  ROLE PURPOSE Play a key role in caring for patients admitted by Consultant Cardiologist in the Medical Society at Blackrock Clinic. This role will provide both direct and indirect care to patient admitted with cardiac arrhythmia, in particular, patients undergoing electrophysiology studies (EPS), radiofrequency ablation (RFA) and device insertion of pacemakers (PPM), implantable cardiac defibrillators (ICD) and cardiac resynchronisation therapy (CRT) QUALIFICATIONSHigher Diploma CardiologyMinimum of five-year post registration experienceExperience in cardiology/EPEvidence of personal professional continuing development.ACLS /BLS KEY RESPONSIBILITIES Develop proficiency as an expert practitioner in electrophysiology, to provide an advanced level of knowledge and skillsProvide ongoing support and advice for patients and their family before and after discharge from hospital following EPAssisting with the pre-assessment of patients and establishing/participating in clinics where appropriate.Develop educational materials and resources for patients with the Multi Discipline Team. Clinical ResponsibilityTo ensure that patients utilizing the service receive safe and competent care. This will include nursing pre assessment of day case, and in-patients treated at the hospital. Provide post discharge patient information, and support the nursing team in post procedure management of patient.Demonstrate appropriate practice and specialist advice in the assessment, planning, implementation and evaluation of patient care. Participate in health education and incorporate this function within clinical practice.To act as a resource /advisor to junior colleagues in the delivery of research based programmes of care, ensuring appropriate planning and evaluation.Participate in data collection and audit pertaining to the service as deemed necessary by Matron or Deputy.Actively contributes to developing education and orientation for staff in clinical specialty.To be knowledgeable and up to date with developments and changes which affect nursing practice in general and cardiology, in particular EP.To maintain timely and accurate documentation and information systems both manually and by using relevant computer systems.Engage in relevant professional development.Network with other CNS in the hospital and wider professional communityDevelop patient education material in conjunction with the multidisciplinary team.Coordinate multi disciplinary case conferences.To be skilled in immediate life support, cannulation, venepuncture, arterial sheath removal and ECG assessment and assist others to become proficient in these areas. ManagementTo act responsibly ensuring manpower and supplies are used cost effectively and efficiently in order that the service is delivered safely.Demonstrate effective communication that ensures information is provided to the multi disciplinary team in a timely manner.Work collaboratively with all involved in scheduling patients for admission to the hospital for Cardiology care.Promote and support the development, implementation and review of standards, policies, procedures and clinical guidelines.In conjunction with the multi-professional team, monitor and evaluate the effectiveness of the service. Implement changes where necessary and actively contribute to departmental service planning. Professional Development To facilitate professional development of nursing staff across the service.To take an active role in yearly staff appraisal, clinical supervision and act as a resource to the units.To act as a role model by demonstrating own continuous professional development.To be an effective practitioner with the ability to demonstrate clinical expertise in the care of patients using the Scope of Practice as set down by Irish Nursing Midwifery Board Ireland.Participate in research, audit and quality initiatives.All staff are responsible for protecting themselves and others against infection risks. All staff undertaking patient care activities must attend infection control training and updates as required by the hospital Financial ResponsibilityAll staff will support their managers to make efficient and effective use of resources. All staff are responsible for identifying any actual or potential deviation from budgets and are to work with the budget holder or manager to find effective ways of handling it.All staff must ensure they use resources in a manner consistent with organisational objectives and policies, ensuring that resources are realistic, justified and of clear benefit to Blackrock clinic. Note This job description is not intended to be exhaustive and it is likely that duties may be altered from time to time in the light of changing circumstances, in discussion with the post holder. In addition to the duties and responsibilities listed above, the post-holder may be required to perform other duties assigned by the supervisor /manager from time to time. 

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