Clinical Nurse Manager II - Urgent Cardiac Care

CLINICAL NURSE MANAGER II – URGENT CARDIAC CAREPERMANENT CONTRACT (1.00 FTE) The Mater Private 24/7 Urgent Cardiac Care Service is led by our team of expert Cardiologists in conjunction with a highly skilled team of Specialist Cardiac Nurses and physiologists in Heart & Vascular Centre.This service is the only one of its kind in a private hospital in Ireland, offering patients urgent cardiac assessment and diagnosis with immediate access to direct intervention 24 hours a day, 7 days per week. We are seeking to recruit a highly motivated CNM II to join our Urgent Cardiac Care nursing team in a full time, permanent contract position.Purpose of the Post:The aim of this Urgent Cardiac Care Clinical Nurse Manager role is to ensure that the specialized skills and knowledge in Cardiac Nursing are utilized to facilitate the provision of a quality patient focused service for patients attending the Urgent Cardiac Care in the Mater Private Hospital. Application Criteria:Have at least five years post-registration experience two of which 1 year must be in cardiology nursingPost-Graduate qualification in cardiac nursing desirable or willingness to undertake a cardiac nursing courseExcellent interpersonal and patient assessment skillsIT skills essentialHave a recognized knowledge of issues relating to patient education MATER PRIVATE NETWORK IS AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITIES EMPLOYER

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