Clinical Nurse Manager II Pre-Assessment Clinic (Temporary)

Clinical Nurse Manager II – Pre Assessment Clinic(Temporary, Full time)The post-holder reports to the Assistant Director of Nursing, Divisional Lead, and is accountable to the Director of Nursing Mercy University Hospital Responsibilities - The post holder will be responsible for; Pre-assessment clinic: Ensure that a sufficient volume of patients, to meet the hospital requirements, are pre-assessed for procedures, in a timely manner, with expected turnover minimum of 60 patients per weekEnsure full utilisation of the Pre-Assessment Clinic Capacity Maintain and develop links with other units within the hospital i.e. Theatre reception, day wards, Nursing Management, Bed Management Unit and Nurse Practice Development Unit Have good communication skills/keep open channels of communication with relevant personnel across the service.Have a positive and flexible attitude.Ensure maintenance of good working relationships, communication and teamwork with all disciplines within the department and other hospital departmentsLiaise with external hospitals disciplines and forums.Provide a high level of professional and clinical leadership in all aspects of nursing care.Act as positive and accountable role model in providing direct patient care.Assess, evaluate and review the requirements of individual patient needs.Establish and maintain caring and therapeutic interpersonal relationships with individuals, clients, groups and communities.Ensure confidentiality on all matters.To be responsible for the management, care and treatment of patients, to ensure that optimum standards of care re provided for patients within the clinical area.Ensure that appropriate mandatory training and professional development programmes are provided for nursing to meet the learning needs of the organisation, including staff training needs analysis and situation specific service needs.Adhere to, and uphold the principles of, the code of Professional Conduct and Ethics (NMBI/An Bord Altranais 2014) The extent to which there is patient satisfaction with nursing care.The extent to which good working relationships are fostered and maintained throughout the nursing service and between nursing and other disciplines.  Eligibility Criteria:Be registered in the General Division of the Register of Nurses kept by the Nursing and Midwifery Board of Ireland {NMBI}Provide evidence of clinical and professional managerial ability, leadership, communication and organizational skills. Management course desirable.Candidates must have at least 5 yrs. post registration experience, of which 2 must be in the specialty or related area.Excellent interpersonal skillsProvide evidence of ongoing professional development. Evidence of leading clinical practice initiatives Evidence of promotion of multi-disciplinary team work  Closing date for applications is 1pm Wednesday 9th October 2024Interviews for successful candidates will be held on Tuesday 22nd October 2024The MUH reserve the right to create a panel for this post from which permanent, fixed term and specified purpose vacancies of a full or part time duration may be filled. 

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