Clinical Nurse Manager - CNM - St Peters Nursing Home

CNM- St Peters Nursing Home Co, Louth.The CNM is a key person in our organisationThe Clinical Nurse Manager role is to support the Nursing Home with the delivery of care for the ResidentsThe CNM will support the DON with the delivery of Care and by ensuring compliance with legislation by auditingThe successful candidate will also provide assistance in the induction, mentoring and supervision of nursing and care staff and will monitor the safety and quality of care and all clinical services relating to residentsThis person will also have a role in developing their practice and training staff through ongoing formal and informal training.JOB TITLE: CLINICAL NURSE MANAGER (CNM) REPORTS TO: Director of Nursing Role Summary:The CNM manages day to day clinical resident care on a specific shift and unit. He/She reports to the DON/ADON.The CNM functions as a leader in the roles of, a clinical nurse adviser, educator and researcher.Responsible for the organising, developing and actively participating in care delivery. The CNM acts as person in Charge in the absence of the DON and ADON The post is full time and permanent following a probationary period of six months. Qualifications:·        Must be registered with An Bord Altranais·        Must have a minimum of 3 years post registration experience in a Residential Care Setting The post Holder Will:·        Act as PIC in the absence of DON and ADON·        Where there is no ADON in absence of the DON the CNM Assume 24/7 responsibility in assisting the Director of Nursing in the clinical care of patients and operation of the home.·        Must have flexible approach to the operating needs of the Home, a willingness to undertake night duty, weekend and on call duties if required.·        Ensure availability and operation of necessary equipment and supplies for resident care.·        Investigates and reports any critical incident, accident or complaint to the DON in a timely manner.·        Will meet the criteria set out in Trinity Care in Clinical Nurse Competencies. Clinical GovernanceThe CNM will ensure a high visibility and be known to all residents and families through daily contact and providing the opportunity to discuss or raise issues and obtain feedback and monitor standards of care.Makes autonomous clinical decisions in planning and prioritizing resident care and delegation to team members.Provide direct care through the named nurse system which reflects resident contact.Participates in auditing of all aspects of care delivery e.g. medication, wound care, care planning.Ensures that high standards of record keeping, resident assessment, care planning, risk assessments and management are maintained.Demonstrates an understanding of the importance of quality care and service delivery and support the team in meeting HIQA national standards.

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