Clinical Nurse Manager

Curam Care Homes is seeking a Clinical Nurse Manager to join our team in Navan Road Care Home, Dublin 7. The role of Clinical Nurse Manager is rotational and flexible according to the needs of the Care Home. This role requires a combined knowledge of clinical practice, project management, service management, continuing education and professional development. The CNM will be responsible for maintaining a high standard of resident care and ensuring the safety of residents and staff at all times and will encourage a learning environment in order to develop all grades of staff while fostering a team environment across our range of specialist care services including care of the older person, people with Dementia/Alzheimer's and step-down care, convalescence care services. Requirements Currently registered with the Nursing and Midwifery Board of Ireland (NMBI) or eligible to be so registered.    Minimum 2-3 years relevant post registration experience. Post registration qualification in gerontology and/or dementia care is highly desirable.    Demonstratable clinical and professional ability, leadership, communication and organisational skills.Must be eligible to work in Ireland.What to Expect At Curam Care Homes we are committed to providing and maintaining the highest standard of person centered care and services by offering competitive benefits, encouraging life - work balance and fostering career progression opportunities for all employees.Benefits Ongoing education and training programmesFlexible working hoursPaid breaksNight PremiumPremiums paid on Sundays and Public HolidaysComplementary meals provided on long day shiftsReferral bonusDiscounted uniformsCycle to work scheme with a repayment planFree Car ParkingPension SchemeDeath in Service benefitsPharmacy DiscountCommitted to providing and maintaining the highest standard of serviceModern custom built facilitatesRelocation Bonus availableThe above list of benefits is not exhaustive. For all informal inquires or to request a copy of the full job description please email

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