Clinical Nurse Manager 2 - Endoscopy

A vacancy has arisen within the Galway Clinic for the role of Clinical Nurse Manager 2 in Endoscopy. This is a permanent, full-time post, 37.5 hours per week.  The role: To be responsible for the management, care and treatment of service users, to ensure that the optimum standard of care is provided within the designated area(s) of responsibility. The primary role of the post holder will be one of clinical and professional leadership and development in the nursing team, including the development of nursing staff by means of in-service training, orientation of new staff and arranging for clinical experience and supervision of student nurses where this is appropriate. Candidate Requirements:Be registered / eligible to register in the General Division of the NMBI Nurse Register.BSc qualification preferred, management qualification also desirableNursing experience 5 years in total with 3-4 years endoscopy nursing experience or related areaHave proven Clinical, Leadership, Managerial & Customer Care skillsProactive approach to planning with effective co-ordination of resourcesStrong interpersonal and communication skillsAbility to motivate staffFlexibility in work practices. Closing date for receipt of applications: Monday, March 24th 2025 at 4.30 pm  Blackrock Health Galway Clinic is an Equal Opportunities Employer. 

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