Clinical Nurse Manager 2 - Emergency Department

About the Hermitage ClinicBlackrock Health Hermitage Clinic is a private hospital providing a full range of medical and surgical care across a broad spectrum of specialities. The Emergency Department provides a range of services and this role is important in making a significant contribution, developing and maintaining best practice in Emergency Department services.    The RoleWe are seeking a Clinical Nurse Manager 2 to join the Emergency Department.  The role, in collaboration with CNM colleagues, is responsible for the provision of quality service in line with the standards of Emergency Department nursing practice. As a key member of the senior management team, the CNM2 in the Emergency Department will demonstrate managerial and leadership skills and facilitate effective communication with colleagues in the hospital. The position requires a strategic approach to the development of services and structures, embracing continuous quality improvement and the management of changes necessary to achieve organisational objectives. .OperationsCollaborate with CNM colleagues to manage the Department/Ward taking responsibility for the safe delivery and co-ordination of nursing services for patients, ensuring effective, efficient and quality specialist nursing care service.Provide the necessary supervision, co-ordination and deployment of nursing and support staff to ensure the optimum delivery of careAssist CNM colleagues in the planning, developing and monitoring of human and budget resource plans to ensure an effective and efficient service.Actively communicates patient results and interventions to the patient and their family to enhance collaboration, decision-making and planning of careSupports clinical nursing staff in the use of validated assessment tools, e.g. Manchester Triage System, Glasgow Coma Scale, pain assessment tools, sepsis screening etcDevelop close links with other healthcare facilities relevant to the delivery and enhancement of services. Assist in monitoring complaints and investigate any nursing and clinical complaints, taking corrective action as appropriate and review audit to ensure there are no re-occurrences.Ensure that all records are properly and accurately maintained.Facilitate effective communication with patients, relatives, visitors and multi-disciplinary team as necessary ensuring patient confidentiality is respected and maintained at all times.Continue to communicate and maintain effective relationships with Medical Consultants, Clinical Nurse Managers and other relevant hospital staff to ensure safe, efficient management of the Department.Identify opportunities for the development of services that will improve the care of patients.Liaise with the Director of Nursing & Quality on a regular basis, as appropriate, providing feedback on activity and issues.Ensure that systems for the provision of clinical and non-clinical services are satisfactory and that they are timely and economically utilised.Ensure that all staff within the Department are familiar with the plan for management of critical incidents and that the Department is ready to meet such a demand.Work with the IT Department and clinicians in the development of computerised systems for patient management and ensure that these are maintained and upgraded.In consultation with staff continually monitor stock levels, suitability, usage and potential for savings. Provide advice to the Head of Clinical & Nursing Services on matters relating to the care of patients in the Department.Promote a patient centred culture of openness and responsiveness to positive and constructive patient feedback and ensuring patient dignity, respect and choice is maintained in their care.  People ManagementIn collaboration with the existing CNM2 assist in clinical leadership for Staff Nurses and ensure an effective learning environment for the multidisciplinary team and taking an active part in the delivery of care as appropriate.Work within the code of Professional Conduct for Nurses, participation in the development of the Scope of Practice and provide strong professional leadership and direction for nursing services.Assist in continuing to promote an environment that is conducive to the development of best practice, enhances staff retention and promotes good industrial relations.Continue to maintain a high level of staff morale, promoting good communication, team spirit and job satisfaction among members of the multidisciplinary team. Strive to ensure that staff are accountable, responsible and have authority to practice and manage within their roles.Play a role in the recruitment and selection of nursing and support staff for the service.Ensure that all new nursing and support staff in the Department receive an adequate orientation and induction programme, have a clear understanding of their duties, responsibilities and standards of performance at all times.Ensure that staff nurses are effectively supported with annual reviews and assist in implementing personal development plans.Provide a duty roster that ensures resources are deployed effectively and efficiently to cope with fluctuations in workload, case complexity, adequate skills mix, planned Department activity or staff absence difficulties.Comply with all HR system and policy requirements including recording of relevant data Essential CriteriaRegistered in the general division of the Nursing Midwifery Board of Ireland (NMBI).Have at least five years recent relevant post-registration nursing experience (full-time or equivalent hours part-time) in an acute hospital setting and a minimum of three years nursing experience in an Emergency DepartmentHave a recognised post-registration nursing course - Higher Diploma or Post Grad course, in Emergency nursing or equivalent or be in pursuit of sameHold an up to date Advanced Cardiac Life Support course or be willing to undertakeA Health Care Management qualification at third level is desirableLeadership skillsManagement skillsNegotiating SkillsIT skillsResults driven and accountableQuality and risk managementExcellent interpersonal and communication skillsExperience with Manchester Triage   Why work at the Hermitage ClinicThe Hermitage Clinic are passionate about our people and believe in their development and growth. As a member of the Hermitage Medical Clinic team you can benefit from: An Education Support ProgrammeDevelopment opportunitiesOpportunities for career progressionAccess to a Pension SchemeSubsidised RestaurantFree staff car parkingEmployee Assistance ProgrammeLife Assurance  The Hermitage Clinic is an Equal Opportunities Employer with a strong commitment to diversity, inclusion and equality at all levels of the organisation. If you require assistance due to a disability during the recruitment process, please email

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