Clinical Nurse Manager 2

St. Joseph's Foundation is a voluntary organisation providing comprehensive services for people with intellectual disabilities. Founded in 1968 the Foundation has grown through continuously responding to the needs of people with intellectual disabilities and their families.  The Foundation provides services to children and adults, through day services, residential, respite care, and home support in the North Cork and South West Limerick region. We have day and residential services in various locations in the North Cork and South Limerick area; such as Charleville, Dromina, Newtownshandrum, Buttevant, Newmarket, Mitchelstown and Mallow, in Limerick; Ballylanders, Ballyagran, Bruree, Bruff, Croom, Dromcollogher, Granagh, Kilmallock, and Liskennett. Applications are invited for the following post: Person In Charge (CNM2) - 39 hours per week Permanent Post Full time with responsibilities for 2 designated centresWe are looking for a Candidate who is committed to providing a person centred socially inclusive service to people with an intellectual disability.  The ideal Candidate will have: Up to date NMBI registration essential. Not less than 3 year’s experience working with children/adults with an intellectual disability in a residential setting.Proven managerial skills with not less than three years’ experience at management level and an appropriate management qualification to Fetac/QQ1 level 6 or equivalent.Be able to demonstrate the ability to lead a staff team effectively.Experience of managing residential budgets.A detailed knowledge of HIQA.Experience working with adults with behaviours that challenge (desirable). Informal enquiries to Catherine O Connell, Head of Client Services 063 89252Notes:At the time of applying for this role Qualifications must be validated with the Department of Health & Children if studies were completed outside Ireland.A full Irish Driving Licence & Indemnification of the Foundation on your car insurance policy for this post is desirable.Panels of suitably qualified persons may be formed from which further vacancies may be filled JOB DESCRIPTION JOB TITLE: CNM2 (Person in Charge) REPORTING TO: Area Manager Residential Services / Head of Client Services ACCEPTS REPORTING RELATIONSHIPS FROM: Staff as assigned. LIAISE WITH: Multi-disciplinary Team, Parents & Families, General Practitioners and Supervisors. HOURLY COMMITMENT: 39 Hours JOB GOAL: To manage the residence and to listen to, learn from, support and work to achieve the priorities of the residents in line with The National Standards for Residential Services Children and Adults with Disabilities 2013-[ (Health Care Act 2007 (Care and support of residents in designated centres for persons (children and adults) with disabilities)regulations 2013]. To provide them with a home-from-home in accordance with the Foundation’s Mission Statement “To provide people with disabilities the opportunity to live the life of their choice to their fullest potential” RESPONSIBILITIES The main responsibilities are: quality assurance, resource management, staffing and staff development, facilitating communication and professional / clinical leadership. Be proactive in promoting and ensuring that the Ethos, Mission, Vision and core values of the St. Josephs Foundation are upheld.Ensure that personnel within their designated areas of responsibility work in accordance with the policies and ethos of the St. Josephs FoundationEnsure that all nursing staff adhere to professional code of conduct and operate within their scope of practiceEnsure that any concerns for the safety and welfare of residents are reported in a timely manner Ensure a holistic Model of Care for Service Users which is consistent with a Person Centred approachBe familiar with all Policies and Procedures, particularly those pertaining to client safety and welfare 1. Leadership & Accountability Is responsible for leading and managing interdisciplinary care for service users in areas ofresponsibilityEnsure that staff are empowered through coaching, education, supervision.Lead the nursing and allied team through regular team meetings.Enable staff to identify and suggest improvement initiatives.Ensures high standards of care in the daily running of services within designated areas.Use a consultative approach and demonstrates an approachable management style.Monitor and evaluate methods of quality assurance and clinical effectiveness and contribute to the development of quality methodologies.Assure that clinical practice in areas of responsibility is evidence based. 2. Management and Staff Development Is committed to and promotes continuous professional development to ensure best practiceEnsure the efficient and effective allocation and coordination of resources to achieve taskswithin areas of responsibilityEnsure scheduling of rosters is completed out in a timely and fair manner which reflectsservice needsEnsure that Health and Safety practices are implemented in accordance with the SafetyStatement of the service.Conduct regular hazard identification audits and ensure that appropriate action is taken.Ensure that all personnel are familiar with emergency and other operational procedures andregulations.Conducts Performance Management Reviews for staff within areas of responsibilityparticipate in the performance management programmeIntervenes decisively where standards of behaviour, performance or attitude contraveneservice policy and procedure and informs appropriate personnel.Monitor and work to improve the team processes, encourages team review and reflectionActively lead and support the process of person centred planning within areas of responsibility.  3. Planning Prioritise and responds to demands under pressure or in emergenciesEnsure a system of record keeping and reports for operational activities, planning ofmeetings, case conferences and other events is maintainedWithin areas of responsibility plan short, medium and long term goals to achieve desiredoutcomes for residents and staff.In conjunction with Line Manager plan and implement appropriate skill mix 4. Human Resources Work with the Line Manager in developing strategies for staff retention.Participate as required on the recruitment of staff for areas of responsibility.Foster an environment that supports and encourages personal professional development andlearning.Contribute to the development of an organisational culture conducive to the establishmentand maintenance of good staff morale.Ensure all new staff within designated areas of responsibility receive adequate inductionprogramme, have a clear understanding of their duties, responsibilities and the standards of performance expected of them at all times.Ensure that all staff are kept appraised of centre and organisational policies and procedures.Create an environment which is conducive to team working.Assist the Area Manager in the initialisation of grievances and disciplinaryprocedures in accordance with Service policies and procedures.Ensure that all human resources are utilised in a cost effective manner.Manage and monitors levels of absenteeism taking corrective action where necessary.In collaboration with other disciplines promote good employee relations in accordance withpersonnel policies. 5. Finance Ensure the efficient and effective use of resources allocated to designated areasEnsure staff evaluate supplies and equipment purchased.Plan and track budget variances in areas of responsibilityAssures that service users monies are accounted for in accordance with service policy 6. Health and Safety Ensure all accidents/incidents are reported on the electronic reporting System Xyea.Make oneself aware of the Foundation’s duties and the employee duties under the Safety, Health and Welfare at work Act 2005.To ensure that faulty equipment and fittings are repaired in a timely manner.To ensure that they and the staff have adequate knowledge of emergency actions and plans.To ensure fire and safety precautions are implemented and maintained. 7. Professional & Clinical ResponsibilityEnsure that residents receive the highest standard of clinical/holistic careMaintain and promote a high standard of work performance, attendance, appearance andpunctualityPromote dignity and respect for all residents at all times.Ensure the highest standards of confidentiality are maintained at all timesEnsure that service policies and procedures are implemented and monitored within areas ofresponsibilityDevelop and ensures interdisciplinary networking with families is a high quality effectivesystem for service deliveryMonitor and evaluates support services relevant to the areas of responsibilityEnsure practices in the workplace comply with relevant legislationUphold the code of professional conduct in practiceMake evidence based decisions in a transparent manner by involving and empowering othersEmbrace and promote advocacy in the delivery of person centred careEnsure that complaints received are dealt with in accordance with service policy The above job description is not intended to be a comprehensive list of duties and responsibilities and consequently the post holder may be required to perform other duties as appropriate to the post which may be assigned to him/her from time to time by the Area Managers / Manager of Services. This job description may change in line with the changing needs and objectives of St. Joseph’s foundation. 

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