Clinical Nurse Manager 1 (6 months contract)

Bloomfield Hospital has an exciting internal opportunity for a Clinical Nurse Manager 1 to lead and develop a team of Registered Nurses and Healthcare Assistants, to play an integral role in a committed multi-disciplinary team, and to make a significant contribution in the area of psychiatric nurse management. Work Location: Stocking Lane, Rathfarnham, Dublin 16Period of Contract: 6 months full-time contract, with the possibility of extensionWorking Hours: 39 hours per weekAbout Bloomfield:Bloomfield Hospital provides a spectrum of neuropsychiatric services to adults with a range of serious and enduring mental health needs such as Alzheimer`s, Parkinson`s and Huntington`s Diseases, as well as individuals with early onset dementias, schizophrenia and mood disorders. We are the only facility in Ireland that provides a high level of specialized care for people with Huntington’s disease. We also provide specialist palliative care to individuals with mental health needs. In Bloomfield Hospital there is a focus on creating a therapeutic environment by using recovery-oriented clinical practices and therapeutic interventions which are evidence-based to enable and support patients to achieve their highest level of functioning and quality of life. This care is delivered through a Multi-disciplinary Team including colleagues in Psychiatry, Psychology, Nursing, Pharmacy, Social Work, Occupational Therapy, Speech and Language, Dietetics, Physiotherapy and General Practice. Bloomfield Hospital is a 123-bed in-patient mental health service, registered as an approved centre with the Mental Health Commission. Our ethos is rooted in the principle of honoring the dignity of every person who comes through our doors. We have over 200 multi-disciplinary team members delivering the highest standards of care in a friendly and inclusive workplace. We value each member of our team and believe strongly in supporting employee wellbeing and in the importance of a healthy work-life balance.Responsibilities will include:Support the Clinical Nurse Management team in the strategic and operational development, coordination, and management of the service following national and regulatory standards and with regard to best practice.Manage patient care to ensure the highest professional standards using an evidence-based, care planning approach.Ensure that our residents and others are treated with dignity and respect, and encourage our residents to be as independent as possible in their activities of daily living.Support the delivery of strategic and operational change programmes in our service.Ensure that all practices, procedures, and policies conform with the service and strategic plans of the organization.Provide safe, comprehensive nursing care to our residents within the guidelines laid out by An Bord Altranais.Provide a high level of professional and clinical leadership and ensure that the nursing and healthcare service provision is delivered to the highest standard of treatment and care and that safety standards are maintained.Ensure the highest standard of compliance with regulatory programmes including Clinical Governance, Health & Safety, and Risk Management standards.Responsible for the coordination, assessment, planning, delivery, and review of patient/residential care by all staff in their designated area.Work as part of a multi-disciplinary team, and participate in teams, meetings, and/or committees as appropriate, communicating and working collaboratively.Coordinate all activities with Bloomfield’s Medical Staff in respect of doctors’ visits, including all follow-up action required.Collaborate with our residents, their families, carers, and other staff in treatment/care planning and the provision of support and advice.Communicate verbally and/or in writing, the results of assessments, treatment/care programmes, and recommendations to the team and relevant others per service policy.Plan discharge or transfer of the resident between services as appropriate. The successful candidate will meet the following requirements:A registered Psychiatric Nurse qualification.Possess 3 years post-registration nursing experience consisting of at least 1 year’s experience working in adult mental health services.Flexibility in covering night shift/bank holidays/weekends.Experience in a healthcare/hospital setting, including acute mental health care.Clinical experience in medical conditions and in palliative care.Possess the requisite knowledge and ability including a high standard of clinical, managerial, and administrative competencies.Extensive experience in managing staff, budgets, and workforce planning.Possess an in-depth knowledge of the Mental Health Commission requirements, leadership, and governance.Energetic individual with solid clinical experience in working with a team of diverse clinicians and strong knowledge of the concepts and operations of Clinical Governance.Strong ability to lead, teach, manage, participate, and play a key role in the practice education of students, and to promote and engage in the teaching/training/support of others as appropriate.Have a good knowledge and experience of health, safety, and other statutory regulations affecting a healthcare organization.Demonstrate evidence of continuing professional development.Our benefits include:Fixed roster patternsGenerous healthcare staff shift premiums (25% night duty, double time Sundays and bank holidays)Career developmentComprehensive training programmesFurther education supportsOn-site library and research facilityEmployee well-being and assistance programmeEmployee Assistance ProgrammeFree onsite staff parkingSubsidized onsite restaurantCycle to work schemeFor further details, please call 01 4950021 or email

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