Clinical Nurse Facilitator

Overview of RoleThe role is responsible for the facilitation of quality education and professional development that is in line with the highest standards of nursing practice within the Operating Theatre Department. The Clinical Nurse Facilitator (CNF) will work with the Assistant Chief Nursing Officer in developing a framework for competency assessment and a strategy for continuous professional development for peri-operative nurses.As a key member of the nurse education team the role is responsible for the provision of a supportive clinical learning environment for both post registration and undergraduate nurses. The CNF – Operating Department will facilitate learning using a broad range of teaching strategies and methods.The role will actively participate in the Quality and Safety programme and with Theatre Managers ensure compliance with best practice and JCI standards relevant to Peri-operative care. Duties & Responsibilities  Facilitate education and continuous professional development within the operating department for Registered NursesFacilitate education and training for peri-operative nurses that is aligned with UPMC competency assessment framework.Ensure education and training programmes are reviewed and reflect best practice and both national and international standards for peri-operative care.Promote an environment for professional nursing practice, which is consistent with the mission, vision and values of UPMC in Ireland.Ensure that the peri- areas to which student nurses are assigned for clinical placements, provide optimum teaching and learning environments and can meet the learning outcomes for student nurses set by the Third Level College and the NMBI standards for the students.Develop, engage in and promote person centred nursing practices through care processes, which enhance clinical effectiveness and patient outcomes.Support change and play an active role in promoting the nursing and corporate developments and strategies required to sustain innovations in nursing and clinical practice within theatre department.Management and Organisation Support the Assistant Chief Nursing Officer and the Theatre Managers with the strategic and future development of Peri-operative Nursing.Provide professional and clinical leadership and vision and facilitate staff team building to provide planned care and develop educational strategies for expert peri-operative nursing care.Attend meetings with third level institutes in relation to student affairs, placements and matters.Collaborate with theatre managers on quality issues and assist to manage and implement the Nursing service relating to quality assurance strategy and nursing quality metrics.In conjunction with the Theatre managers contribute to addressing practice issues highlighted and take remedial actions as appropriate.Develop and implement systems relating to quality improvement.Develop monitoring and audit mechanisms for use in measurement of perioperative service quality.Support surgical teams in formulating evidence-based policies, protocols, guidelines and procedures that will ensure that the highest standard of patient focused nursing care is provided within available resources.In conjunction with Quality department maintain the online data base of approved Nursing policies, protocols, guidelines and procedures.Ensure that the operating departments where student nurses are assigned for nursing or midwifery practice placements provide the optimum learning/teaching environments and are conducive to the learning requirements of the students.Demonstrate evidence of planning/organisational skills, including time management, the ability to use his/her own initiative.Support the profession and encourage the ongoing professional development of nursing staff.Demonstrate evidence of planning/organisational skills, including time management, the ability to use his/her own initiative.Demonstrate ability to motivate self and others.Communication and Interprofessional Working Foster good working relationships between colleagues and other staff by maintaining a high professional standard within the theatre department.  Collaborate with members of the hospitals multidisciplinary teams in developing, reviewing policies procedures guidelines and protocols that reflect evidence based practice.Demonstrate effective writing and presentation skills including ppt and TEAMS.Be innovative in the use of various educational online platforms facilitating education and training that is inclusive to all staff Education and Training Assist the ACNO to develop and implement educational frameworks for clinical pathway programmes.Participate in clinical learning environment audits for undergraduate programmes.Assist with the design, development, and delivery of NMBI accredited foundation and skills programmes based on patient needs and requirements of the service.Assist with the design and delivery of education programmes for Healthcare assistants in collaboration with Directors of Nursing and Clinical Nurse Managers.  Professional/Personal Development Keep up-to-date with nursing literature, recent nursing research and new developments in nursing practice, management and education. Attend and participate in learning opportunities in order to be familiar with peri-operative nursing innovations. Assist with the design and delivery of education programmes for Healthcare assistants in collaboration with Directors of Nursing and Clinical Nurse Managers.  Professional/Personal Development Keep up-to-date with nursing literature, recent nursing research and new developments in nursing practice, management and education. Attend and participate in learning opportunities in order to be familiar with peri-operative nursing innovations.Identify and participate in activities that enhance own professional development.Support staff in the application of a range of codes and policies of practice, including (but not exclusively): Scope of Practice Framework (An Bord Altranais, 2000) and the Code of Professional Conduct and Ethics (NMBI, 2015) in their practice. Audit/ResearchAssist with the formulation policies, protocols, guidelines and procedures which will ensure that the highest standards of Peri-operative patient focused nursing care is provided within available resources based on appropriate knowledge and research.Provide accurate reports of all audits completed to the Director of Nursing, as part of supporting an ongoing quality improvement ethos within the hospital.Support nursing staff in the conduct of internal and local audit processes as part of service delivery improvement processes and their own professional development.Qualifications & Experience Essential CriterialKnowledge/ ExperienceBe a registered nurse in the division relevant to the practice in which the application is being made on the Register of Nurses and Midwives held by the Nursing and Midwifery Board of Ireland [NBMI].Have at least 5 post registration nursing experience including a minimum of two years’ experience within the peri-operative setting. Possess a relevant post graduate award at level 8/9 or Higher or pursuit of sameHave a master’s degree in education or in pursuit of sameCandidates must possess the requisite knowledge and ability (including a high standard of suitability) for the proper discharge of the duties of the office.Skills/ CompetenciesPeri-operative Nursing Clinical SkillsLeadership skillsIT skillsQuality focusRisk ManagementClinical auditExcellent interpersonal and communication skills This Job Description is intended as a basic guide to the scope and responsibilities of the position and is subject to regular review and amendment. The role holder will be required to be flexible in this position and is expected to facilitate working additional hours on occasion, when requested.UPMC is an equal opportunity employer. We celebrate diversity and are committed to creating an inclusive environment for all employees.At UPMC we provide a total rewards program that is not only market competitive, but fair and provides growth opportunities for all our colleagues.Compensation – Competitive pay for the work employees do – base pay, performance related pay and premium pay where applicable.Benefits – Fully paid maternity and paternity leave for new parents. Competitive Pension Plan, company funded Death in Service Benefit x 3 times. Critical Illness cover for all employees up to the age of 66.Performance and Recognition – Rewards for performance that supports the goals and mission of UPMC through our annual ACES programme.Work-Life Balance – Enhanced annual leave up to a maximum of 27 days. Flexible working opportunities to support you to work around external family commitments.Development and Career Opportunities – Opportunities for each employee to reach their career goals through continued learning and/or advancement.About UPMCA $26 billion healthcare provider and insurer, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania-based UPMC is inventing new models of patient-centred, cost-effective, accountable care. Working in close collaboration with the University of Pittsburgh Schools of the Health Sciences, UPMC shares its clinical, managerial and technological skills worldwide through its innovation and commercialisation arm, UPMC Enterprises, and through UPMC International.Providing high-quality healthcare in the South East since 2006, UPMC’s operations in Ireland now include UPMC Whitfield Hospital in Waterford, UPMC Sports Surgery Clinic in Dublin, UPMC Kildare Hospital in Clane and UPMC Aut Even Hospital in Kilkenny. Outpatient care is available at the UPMC Carlow Outreach Centre, UPMC Hillman Cancer Centre radiotherapy locations at UPMC Whitfield and in Cork, the UPMC Sports Medicine Clinic at SETU Arena, Waterford, TUS Moylish Campus, Limerick, TUS Thurles Campus, Tipperary, and the UPMC Concussion Network. The UPMC Institute for Health is located in Mayo and the Global Technology Operation Centre is based in Kilkenny. UPMC is the Official Healthcare Partner of the GAA and GPA. 

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