Clinical Facilitator ;ICU

Job Description  Job Title ;Clinical Facilitator - ICU Department ;Intensive Care Unit (ICU) Reports to ;Nurse Manager, Intensive Care Unit Date ;2024  OVERALL PURPOSE OF THE JOB·     To facilitate the achievement of the Hospital’s mission to provide exceptional patient care in an environment where quality, respect, caring and compassion are at the centre of all we do·     To enhance outcomes for patients by assessment of standards of Nursing and Health Care Assistant practice, the planning and implementation of appropriate education and professional development·     The role embraces the promotion of continuous practice development, utilising the skills of collaboration, networking and effective relationship building (Thornbury, 1999, McCormack et al, 1999, Manley, 2000)·     Providing a quality educational and supportive service to ICU Nursing staff and Beacon Hospitals New Graduate Training and Development Programme.·     The coordination and management of up to date educational/ clinical programmes for relevant staff·     The goal of the ICU Clinical Facilitator is to enhance clinical practice by supporting RN’s within ICU to develop the necessary skills to deliver skilled nursing care for all patients. That all ICU RN’s and HCA’s will successfully complete their probationary period within the agreed timeframe. This will be done in collaboration with the ICU manager.·     Facilitates the training of all ICU and hospital staff in Code Blue and preparation for ACLS course·     This role is a clinical one which requires direct supervision of perceptees working in clinical practice with patients. There will be an identified time frame of four weeks for all perceptees. This may be reviewed based on their previous Clinical experience and initial assessment carried out in the two week orientation to ICU ·     Be responsible for the coordination of a regular schedule of education, and professional development·     Participate in teams /meetings/committees as appropriate communicating and working in cooperation with other team members·     Develop appropriate systems in the streamlining of education and practice development·     Record keeping in accordance with professional standards·     Adhere to and contribute to the development and maintenance of nursing standards, Protocols and Guidelines consistent with the highest standards of patient care·     Evaluate and manage the implementation of best practice policy and procedures·     Maintain professional standards in relation to confidentiality, ethics and legislation·     Promote the guidelines for safety and best practice laid down by the Hospital policies, Nursing and Midwifery Board of Ireland guidelines and relevant acts such as the Safety Health and Welfare at Work Act 2005. Data protection Act 1988 and 2003·     Assign time to engage directly in practice in order to keep pace with changes and provide enabling process for staff to achieve their goals`·     Develop appropriate systems in the streamlining of education, practice development, audit data collection and reporting.     Time allocated for clinical practice facilitation is illustrated in table below: Time allocated per week 75% of time working directly with staff in clinical practice 29.25 hours 25% Administration, preparation for training and facilitation of in-service education 9.75 hours  CLINICAL ADAPTATION PROGRAMME·     Be knowledgeable about the Clinical Adaptation and Assessment programme and the clinical experiences required to meet the needs of the programme.·     Support the coordination of the candidates’ orientation week..·     Coordinate the adaptees induction to the ICU. Ensures that the clinical adaptation candidates learning requirements, outcomes and required competencies are achieved within the time frame set by the Nursing and Midwifery Board of Ireland. ·     Be seen as a first line contact for candidates and staff nurse assessors by providing practical clinical support and expertise through evidence based practice.·     Assist in the orientation of candidates to the clinical area. Make candidates aware of Hospital policies and procedures relating to patient care, how to access them and of their responsibility to read, understand and comply with same.·     Liaise with the Clinical coordinators in selecting appropriate preceptors and ensuring that candidates are allocated to and given opportunity to work with their preceptors.·     Prepare clinical coordinators and preceptors for their roles in assessing candidates by informing and updating them on the requirements of the adaptation programme as per the Nursing and Midwifery Board of Ireland (NMBI). Provide guidance to candidates and registered nurses on any issues relating to student's clinical placements, which arise in the clinical areas.·     Maintain clinical credibility by maintaining a regular clinical presence and working alongside candidates in a supportive and role model capacity.·     Encourage the preceptor and candidate to identify teaching and learning opportunities in ICU.·      Ensure communication channels are maintained with all relevant personnel (ICU nurse manager and clinical coordinators) to ensure safe, efficient and competent assessment of candidates.Support the preceptor, candidate and Clinical coordinator in the development of an action plan if required. CLINICAL PRACTICE·     Support the Clinical Nurse Managers and Staff Nurses in the ICU, to plan, develop, implement and evaluate clinical practice in accordance with best available evidence in order to influence innovations in practice and promote quality care for patients in the general medical/surgical areas.·     In collaboration with the Nursing Coordinator and Facilitator, promote the development and maintenance of high standards of nursing care, through practice development projects.·     Assist with identifying, facilitating and implementing practice development projects in the clinical areas.·     In collaboration with the Clinical coordinators assist with the development of policies, protocols, guidelines and clinical competencies and their implementation·     Assist with the provision of appropriate continuing education programmes to meet nurses’ competency developmental needs.·     Work with the Clinical Coordinators in implementing action plans to improve clinical practice and staff development.·     Sit on appropriate multidisciplinary committees.EDUCATION/STAFF DEVELOPMENT·     In conjunction with the ICU managers & Clinical Coordinators to assess and identify teaching and developmental requirements of all staff through observation in practice.·     Collaborate with the ICU managers & Clinical Coordinators to ensure appropriate training, education and evaluation takes place.·     In conjunction with Clinical Coordinators and Staff Nurses, develop and continually revise clinical nursing skills/competencies.·     Be familiar with the assessment criteria and process as applied to the Activities of Living Patient Care Module.·     Create an environment for continuous lifelong professional and personal development and learning for all staff.·     Support Clinical Nurse and Health care Assistant staff competency development as appropriate·     Liaise closely with ICU manager in relation to policy proposal and staff training and development·     Attend all relevant meetings as required for role and Liaise with appropriate staff·     Attend staff meeting and receive staff suggestions for improvement in the system of work ·     Maintain open communication with all relevant staff·     Develop good relationships with wards and departmentsMANAGEMENT·     Demonstrate ability to self-manage and organise own workload efficiently.·     Help foster a supportive working environment by demonstrating excellent leadership ability and communication skills.·     Communicate effectively ICU Managers and Clinical Coordinators regarding the progress and development of staff nurses within their area of responsibility.·     Demonstrate both clinical and professional leadership, enabling a multidisciplinary team culture of continuous staff learning and practice development.·     Be highly motivated and have a vision of developing skills/competencies that are applicable to clinical areas.·     Develop a network of contacts and communication links with other professionals that will assist in provision of expert advice to meet the needs of all grades of nursing staff.·     Provide professional Clinical Leadership and vision and facilitate staff team building to provide planned care and develop educational strategies service goals ·     Maintain a Quality standard of service lead on proactive quality improvement and support accreditation·     Effectively educate staff on Hospital, Regional policies as applicable ·     Provide leadership and motivation which is conducive to good working relations and work performance·     Promote a culture that values diversity and respect in the work place·     Take an active role in the audit of clinical practice and the standards of care being provided.·     Be highly motivated and have a vision of developing skills/competencies that are applicable to clinical areas CODE BLUE AND ALERT·     Compile and analyse all data and reports for the Code Blue Committee (to include ALERT data), this will be done on a monthly and quarterly basis and present to the QIC and code blue committee.·     Using the data, develop an action plan as required to include but not limited to training and support for all hospital staff in conjunction with the Hospital Educator. ·     Liaise with managers to identify risks and provide debriefing (as required) related to Code blue and alert·     Liaise with the clinical educator, to identify and support staff preparing for ACLS???·     Facilitate, in conjunction with the Hospital Educator, monthly Mock Code Blue in consultation with the code blue committee·     Code Blue Committee administration role in conjunction with the chairperson·     Review on an annual basis the contents of the code carts. ·     Manage Quality Initiatives identified with the committee liaising with PSQI and other departments as required·     Liaise with bio-engineering in relation to retrieval of code stat informationPerson Specification Qualifications ·      Candidates must be registered in the General Division of the Register of Nurses kept by Nursing & Midwifery Board of Ireland (NMBI).·      Post graduate degree or equivalent in ICU Nursing ·      Educated to Masters degree in Clinical Practice or similar is desirable·      Alert course desirable Experience ·      Minimum of 10 years acute experience, 7 of which should be in an ICU setting·      Possess the clinical, managerial and administrative capacity to properly discharge the functions of the role.·      Evidence of teaching practice in the clinical setting is desirable. Job Specific Competencies and Knowledge ·      Experience in teaching and assessing the Nursing and HCA Team throughout the last 10 years.·      Experience in conducting clinical audits and encouraging staff to undertake audit·      Creates a culture of open communication to maintain a climate of trust and honesty.·      Tailors the content and method of communication to their audience’s level of expertise.·      Is an advocate for the hospital department by consistently projecting a professional image, promoting the highest standards.·      Encourages investment in continuous learning, at hospital level and in partnership with affiliated and/or other relevant third level institutions as appropriate and is a role model for others in this regard.·      Promotes and supports inter-disciplinary working and associated learning. Furthers same. ·      Well-developed education and coaching skills·      Demonstrate experience of developing nursing practice as relevant to the post.·      Demonstrate a good knowledge of the Health Service with particular reference to professional development issues, nurse education and practice development. ·      Demonstrate a broad knowledge of the developments in nurse education and practice.·      Demonstrate theoretical and clinical knowledge appropriate to the complexities of the post.·      Demonstrate integrity and ethical stance·      Demonstrate analytical, problem solving and decision making skills.·      Demonstrate a commitment to providing a quality service.·      Demonstrate leadership/personal motivation skills.·      Demonstrate commitment to professional and personal self-development.·      Demonstrate a willingness to develop IT skills relevant to the role.   This job description is intended to be an outline of the responsibilities and deliverables at the time of its writing. As the Hospital and the post holder develop, this job description may be subject to review in light of the changing needs of the Hospital.  Job Description received by employee: ________________________________        ___________________                                                                              Signature                                                                    Date                                                                               ________________________________               Name (Block Capitals)

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