Cleaning Operative - Ellesmere Port (CH65)

Cleaning Operative - Ellesmere Port (CH65)We are looking to recruit an enthusiastic individual with previous cleaning experience, to join our team in Ellesmere Port (CH65).This position is well suited to any individual that is looking to advance their career in the industry and wants to gain hands-on experience in a thriving and supportive workplace.Requirements:Previous cleaning experience is essential.Training is required and will be provided.Teamwork and working with others.Fit to undertake cleaning duties.Reliable and hardworking with a professional attitude.An existing Enhanced DBS is preferred but not essential.Working Times:12.5 hours per week.Monday to Friday.3pm -5:30pm each afternoon.Term time only.This position offers an hourly wage of £11.59.We do endeavour to get back to all applicants but this is not always possible due to the high number of applicants we receive.

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