Cleaning Area Supervisor – Manchester

Cleaning Area Supervisor – ManchesterMaxim Facilities Management is one of the fastest growing independent facilities management companies in the UK.This position gives you the opportunity to become Part of Our Team, delivering services contracts for various sectors around Manchester and its surrounding area's. A company vehicle along with a Fuel Card, Tablet & Phone will be supplied. Applicants must be flexible, adaptable and able to manage change.Your role will be very varied but will include:Induction and training of staff on equipment, cleaning practices and use of chemicals.Conducting on-site audits.Covering annual leave/sickness/helping when required.Placing stock orders.Manage holidays and absences within the team, ensuring there is adequate coverage and that cleaning standards are not reduced.Helping with recruitment of cleaning staffPersonal attributes and experience:Cleaning experience is essential.Experience in a Supervisory role is strongly preferred.Flexible approach to your working week.Reliable and hardworking.Self-motivated.Manual, UK driving Licence Is Essential.Must meet the criteria to pass an enhanced DBS.Schedule:Monday to Friday.30 hours per weekHours will vary depending on business needs.This is a full-time, permanent position offering an hourly wage of £14.00.We do endeavour to get back to all applicants but this is not always possible due to the large volume of applications we receive.

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