Cleaning Account Manager - Teesside

Cleaning Account Manager - Teesside Maxim Facilities Management is one of the fastest growing independent facilities management companies in the UK. We are looking for an experienced Account Manager / Contract Manager to join our team in Teesside.  Applicants must be flexible, adaptable and be able to manage change. It is essential that you have a full UK (manual) driving license if you wish to be considered for this position.  Your role will be very varied but will include:Client liaison and contract management, Monthly client meetingsInduction and training of staff on equipment, cleaning practices and use of chemicals.Conducting on-site auditsSetting up new contracts , creating cleaning specifications and inducting new staffPlacing stock ordersmanage holidays and absences within the teamrecruitment of cleaning staff Personal attributes and experience:Commercial cleaning experience required.Experience in a Supervisory / Managerial role.Flexible approach to your working week.Reliable and hardworking.Self-motivated.Hold a full manual driving licence.Able to work on Ipad/laptops. This is a full-time permanent position offering the following benefits:Competitive salary (discussed during interview stage)Pension A company carFuel Card laptop The salary for this position is competitive and will be based on the experience you have. This is something that will be discussed during any interview.We do endeavour to get back to all applicants, but this is not always possible due to the high number of applicants we receive.

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