Cleaner temporary

Job Vacancy: CleanerLocation: Cahirciveen, Co. KerryJob Title: CleanerJob Type: Fixed TermJob Terms: CoverDate Required From: 7/10/2024Hourly Rate: €13.30Days Required: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, SaturdayHours per Day & Times:Monday, Wednesday, Friday, and Saturday: 2 hours each dayTuesday & Thursday: 3.5 hours each day (across two locations)About Us:Grosvenor is more than a workplace; it's a collaborative space for passionate and creative individuals to unite, grow, enjoy, and make a meaningful impact. With a rich history of over 60 years, we've consistently provided top-notch facilities management solutions aligned with our core values: We Care, We Go Beyond, and We Add Value.Putting our people at the forefront, and recognising them as our greatest asset, we prioritise commitment and openness to deliver exceptional experiences for our incredible teams and clients. Through dedicated efforts in representation, recruitment, engagement, culture, accountability, safety, and education, we are committed to fostering an environment where everyone can thrive and develop.Join us at Grosvenor Services in our journey, where innovation meets dedication, and contribute to creating exceptional spaces and experiences!Job Description:We are seeking a dedicated and reliable Cleaner to provide temporary cover in Cahirciveen, Co. Kerry. This role involves maintaining cleanliness and hygiene standards across various locations during the specified cover period.Key Responsibilities:Perform general cleaning duties including vacuuming, mopping, dusting, and sanitising surfaces.Empty bins and ensure proper waste disposal.Clean and sanitise restrooms and common areas.Adhere to cleaning schedules and complete tasks within the allocated time frame.Follow health and safety guidelines to ensure a clean and safe working environment.Special Requirements:Previous cleaning experience is preferred.Ability to work independently.Must demonstrate attention to detail and a proactive approach to work.Application Process:Please apply online. We look forward to reviewing your application and will be in touch to discuss the next steps

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