Cleaner Dublin, Meath, Kildare

We require cleaners for the following locations: Dublin 1Dublin 2Dublin 4Dublin 6Dublin 12Dublin 14Dublin 15Dublin 17Dublin 18South County DublinLucan, County DublinNavan, Co. MeathCelbridge, Co. KildareThe key responsibility of this role is to ensure that the centre is maintained and cleaned to an excellent hygienic standard. This is a part-time position.Key duties and responsibilities•Vacuum carpeted areas of the building where needed•Mop vinyl and /or hard floor areas of the building where needed•Clean toilet areas of the building•Polish in the building where needed•Collect and remove rubbish and waste material to authorised disposal points•Take responsibility for the safe use of all cleaning materials and equipment used in the course of your dutiesThe Ideal Candidate is passionate about working with children as they will be interacting with them on a daily basis*Excellent customer services skills*A good standard of English is essential*Previous experience as a cleaner is an advantage.

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