
Location: Your Space RetfordHours of Work:  X 2 positions, 6 hours per week (Saturday 06.30 - 09.30 & Sunday 06.30 - 09.30)   Rate of Pay: £11.59 per hourBPL is looking to recruit a well-motivated and enthusiastic cleaner to join the team at Your Space Retford. We need someone who is reliable and takes pride in their work to undertake a range of general cleaning duties and maintain our reputation for hygiene and cleanliness. In addition we are looking for someone who has a great personality and the commitment to provide our guest's with great customer service that will really make a difference to their visit.Why just settle for a mundane same old boring job? Whether you are looking for a job or a career change, why not come join our family and make some great new friends.In return, we will give you a competitive salary and a work place pension, but we also offer additional benefits to all our staff which include:·        Free Fitness & Swimming Membership·        Flexible working·        Wellbeing support·        Training & development opportunities·        Free car parking at all sitesDETAILS OF DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES:  1.      Cleaning, washing walls, sweeping, vacuum cleaning, emptying of litter bins,polishing and dusting (which may include toilets and shower areas). 2.      Using powered equipment such as vacuum cleaners, scrubber dryers and buffersetc.3. Use of cleaning products such as neutral detergents, acid toilet de-scalers,high alkali hard surface cleaners and acrylic polishes.4. Lifting of equipment and buckets of water, etc.5. Use of specialist equipment E.G. steps to gain height for short duration work.  And any other duties commensurate with the grade and falling within the scope of the post, as requested by Management.Closing Date: 09.00am, Monday 14th October 2024Interview Date: Wednesday 21st October 2024N.B. BPL reserves the right to close for applications earlier than the advertised closing date.Due to the high volume of applications BPL receives, we are unable to send acknowledgement letters to each applicant. Therefore, if you have not received any correspondence by Monday 28th October 2024 you should assume that on this occasion your application has been unsuccessful.

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