Class 2 Driver - ADR preferred

We are looking to invest in new drivers to work with this crucial team to deliver the highest quality service to our customers working with our Hazardous Waste team based at our depot in Wellingborough.As well as being a great place to work, Cawleys offer excellent benefits, competitive salary rates and the chance to develop across different modes of vehicles as well as the opportunity to gain qualifications in the waste and recycling industry.We are looking to recruit a Class 2 Driver- preferably with an ADR licence.Recycling and waste collection is an industry that’ll always be around, we can therefore offer stability as well as a great place to work. As a family-owned business, we know how to treat our employees, and we pride ourselves on being recognised for that as an Investors in People gold employer.We are different to the other driving roles out there - why?· Working 48 hours per week Monday to Friday· Day shifts with a morning start· Overtime paid at 1.5 times after 48 hours· Commitment to your health and safety· Salary competitive· Annual leave allowance 29 days (including bank holidays)· Discounts and benefits platform· Life Assurance at 1.5 times annual salary· Continued investment in our fleetWe genuinely care about or employees and want to see them grow and develop with us as a business.

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