Construction Civils Project Manager

Join Our Team as a Civils Project Manager and Make a Difference!  About Us: At Adler and Allan Group, we're not just a company – we're environmental champions committed to protecting our planet while helping businesses thrive. We're a diverse, dynamic team dedicated to providing top-tier environmental and energy infrastructure services across the UK. Our mission is clear: safeguarding the environment, minimizing operational disruptions, and supporting sustainability goals for our valued clients. What makes us a great employer? Purpose-Driven Impact: As our Project Manager you will specialise in the design and build of specialist environmental protection solutions to solve complex problems in often challenging environments, such as Oil, Gas HV Substations, Chemical engineering plants and COMAH sites. Growth and Development: Join an ambitious team that values your growth. We offer extensive training, career advancement opportunities, and a chance to expand your skill set. Wellness and Support: We care about your well-being. Enjoy life assurance, unlimited access to our mental health support and Medicash, our health care cash plan for you and up to four dependants.Dynamic Culture: Our workplace is more than just a job – it's a community. Experience a fun, can-do culture where your contributions matter. Benefits Package- Competitive salary Plus Bonus and Company car or Car allowance, enhanced maternity & paternity leave and pay, private pension, internal referral scheme & learning and development funded courses.  Your Responsibilities: You will be overseeing projects from the pre-construction stage.Check design documents with architects, surveyors and engineers.Plan and coordinate a project from start to finish, including organising the schedule of works and programmes.Plan the work and oversee the buying of necessary materials and equipment with the assistance of the procurement team.Oversee the management of the construction site on a day-to-day basis, including supervising the labour force, monitoring subcontractors, checking materials, inspecting work and overseeing quality control.Ensure the project is delivered on time and within budget by setting benchmarks, agreeing budgets and monitoring progress.Producing project programmes and report on progress.Promote and maintain health and safety, including site inspections to ensure safety rules are being followed.Identify and agreeing variations with clients.Managing subcontractor schedules and budgetsAttending site meetings to monitor progress.Quality Management - Making sure construction projects meet agreed technical standards.Liaising with technical and financial staff, sub-contractors, legal teams and the client’s own representativesPreparing work packages and overseeing procurement for sitesWorking on-site and in an office. Qualifications and Skills: An in depth understanding of the construction industry.An understanding of legal documentation surrounding construction (JCT,NEC).Knowledge of Maths and IT.Strong leadership skills.Business management skills.The ability to use your initiative.Good verbal communication skills.Strong Written skills.Current SMSTS and First Aid required.In-depth knowledge of MS Project.Basic AUTOCAD experience.Full UK driving licence. Right to work in the UK is essential. Why Choose Adler and Allan: By becoming a part of the Adler and Allan Group, you’ll embark on a rewarding journey where we truly value your ideas and contributions. Whether you're just starting your career or in search of a new challenge, we offer a platform for personal growth and professional advancement, enabling you to shape a successful and fulfilling career path. Our group includes Jet Aire, Detectronic, Aqua Consultants, Oneline, Flotech, KwikFlow, AMGS, and OHES.

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