Childrens' Residential Deputy Manager

We Care.Do you have experience working in a care setting with people with learning disabilities? Do you have a passion for providing great care and support? Are you ready to take a leap into management? If so, we would love for you to join our team!We are looking to recruit a Deputy Manager for our home for children with learning disabilities in Grappenhall. This is one of our six bedded children’s homes based in Warrington has undergone an extensive renovation to improve the quality of the environment and living spaces.  ·       The annual salary including, one sleep-in shift per week, is £36,153  This is based on one sleep-in shift per week, which is the average number worked·       Basic salary without a sleep-in shift is currently £33,024 salary per annum /£14.19 per hour ·       You will receive a set rate of £60 per sleep in. However, if you work more than one sleep-in shift per week (averaged over a pay period) you will be paid £70 for each additional sleep.·       Simply Health cashback scheme (includes dental/optical/physiotherapy/health and wellbeing support)·       All meals and refreshments provided whilst at work·       Care Friends employee referral & reward scheme·       Bright Stars bonus payments·       Pension Scheme entitlement We Are a Safe Pair Of Hands.Bright Futures Care is a specialist organisation supporting children and young adults with autism and learning difficulties, inclusive of complex communication, sensory, and behavioural support needs.  We provide a great quality of care and education, in high-specification environments, with a highly motivated and skilled staff team within our tailored needs-led settings. We Work Together.We are looking for someone who is confident in managing the day-to-day operations of the home, to help support the Registered Manager to achieve the highest standards of care.You will be someone your team looks to for support and leadership to help deliver positive outcomes for the adults in your care.A Level 3 qualification in social care is desirable but not essential. It is essential you hold a full UK driving licence.Experience·       A minimum of two years of operational experience in a health and social care settingCaring for people with learning disabilities and/or autism·       Mentoring a team to achieve their goal·       Meeting the legal responsibilities of the service and home   We Learn & Grow.Market-leading training provided for Fully funded Diploma in Leadership High-quality locations & resources – check out our homes here Bright Environments | Bright Futures CarePersonalised career development pathways available for your team within our care support teamsHead Of Care support by your side – check out our team here If this sounds like the job for you …. we would love to hear from you!#INDNONCARE 

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