Childcare Practitioner | After School | Bray

Afterschool Teachers plays a crucial role in children's education, development, and supervision outside of school hours. Their responsibilities include teaching, nurturing, and ensuring the safety and well-being of the children they care for. Our Afterschool Teachers guide, observe, stimulate, and supervise children in a safe and caring environment. They also act, if required, as a key worker to specified children.Requirements:1.      Knowledge of child development2.      Safeguarding3.      Health and Safety4.      Wellbeing5.      Communication6.      Support the planning of and deliver activities, purposeful play opportunities and educational programs.7.      Classroom: daily, weekly, and monthly paperwork.8.      Individual child observations, developmental checks, and group class observations.9.      Hygiene of class environment to be kept to high standard.10.   Documenting children’s emerging interest.Benefits:-         Competitive Salary-         Company employee assistant program (EAP).-         Discounted private health insurance.-         Bonus loyalty days.-         Career advancement opportunities.-         On-site training and continuous professional development.-         Introduction bonus for any employee who introduces another employeeCreche is open from 7am to 7pm. Working hours will be agreed with the Manager. Salary at €14.00 per hour DOE and qualifications.

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