Childcare Assistants, Dublin 18

We are currently recruiting for full time and part time Early Years educators/Childcare Practitioners for our centres in the Dublin 18 area, caring for children from 6 months to 5 years.We have a number of positions available caring for the baby, toddler and pre-school age groups.What We Offer:Job SecurityUp to 33 days annual leave including bank holidays, and ChristmasCareer Progression OpportunitiesTrainee Management ProgrammeOngoing Training and Development including Manual Handling and First AidEnhanced Employee Benefits including: Bike to work, Travel Cards, supplier discountsEmployee Gifts: Cinema Tickets, Care Packs and so much moreStaff Appreciation ProgrammeStaff Well BeingStaff Recognition Programme: Employee Quarter, Employee of the YearTalent Exchange ProgrammeAccess to positions across the worldKeep up to date with the leading approaches in early yearsPart of an award winning team.Role Description:We are currently recruiting for Childcare Assistants who will be caring for children from 6 months to 5 years. We have a number of positions available caring for the baby, toddler and pre-school age groups.To ensure a safe, secure and healthy environment for the care, safety and welfare of the childrenProvide for the holistic needs of the childrenActively engage the children in developmentally appropriate learning activities to facilitate the potential development of each child.Promote and help maintain an organised, clean, safe, well equipped and culturally sensitive learning environmentObserve and record children’s progressTo communicate effectively with children, parents and staff alike.Meet established policies and procedures, creating an environment of best practice.Qualifications & ExperienceIn order to be successful in this position the applicant must have:Minimum FETAC Level 5 in Childcare qualification or equivalentMinimum 1 year’s practical experience in a childcare settingFirst Aid, Manual Handling and Food Safety Certified an advantageExcellent interpersonal and communication skillsA desire to learn progressively throughout your career due to the nature of the industrySincere and genuine love of childrenWe try our best to reply to every applicant, however occasionally due to the number of applicants we will only be able to respond personally to successful candidates. Hopefully you will be one of those. If not, please do feel free to send your CV again for future positions.

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