Childcare Assistant Interview Day Leopardstown 19/06/2021

Looking to kickstart your Childcare Career? Giraffe Childcare are hiringChildcare AssistantsAssistant ManagersManagersCare Pod Assistantsfor our centres in Leopardstown and South Dublin Come meet our team on Saturday 19th June 2021 @Giraffe Leopardstown from 9am to 4pm.Book your Interview today by applying now.We will invest in you:Job SecurityUp to 33 days annual leave including bank holidays, and ChristmasCareer Progression OpportunitiesTrainee Management ProgrammeOngoing Training and Development including Manual Handling and First AidEnhanced Employee Benefits including: Bike to work, Travel Cards, supplier discountsEmployee Gifts: Cinema Tickets, Care Packs and so much moreStaff Appreciation ProgrammeStaff Well BeingStaff Recognition Programme: Employee Quarter, Employee of the YearTalent Exchange ProgrammeAccess to positions across the worldKeep up to date with the leading approaches in early yearsPart of an award winning team.

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