Chefs of all Grades

Positions: Chefs of all GradesLocation: Rochestown Lodge HotelRochestown Lodge Hotel are currently recruiting Chefs of all Levels to join the team.The Hotel Rochestown Lodge Hotel is ideally located on the fringe of Dun Laoghaire town and a short distance to Dublin city centre. The modern three-star hotel offers 900 spacious guest rooms, a bar restaurant and a selection of meeting rooms. Facilities in the hotel include a 15 metre deck-level swimming pool, gym and Spa.The RoleReporting to the Head Chef, you will be a professional, focused, enthusiastic person with a flair and passion for food presentation. We are looking for team members with previous experience working as part of a kitchen team. Day-to-day duties will include:To assist the Head Chef and kitchen team as required.To prepare all ingredients for service for the allocated section to the required standard, ensuring no wastage To cook food to the required specifications To ensure the smooth running of food service with restaurant personnel To ensure all special requests made by guests are met To work in an organised, hygienic manner at all times ensuring the HACCP regulations are adhered to To receive goods from suppliers, when required, and to ensure products conform with HACCP specifications To ensure all goods are stored correctly and hygienically in accordance with HACCP specifications To ensure correct rotation of stock as per HACCP requirements To adhere to cleaning schedules set out for the KitchenThe Ideal Candidate will be:HACCP trainedHave a previous experienceMust have previous experience in a busy hotel or restaurantAble to work in a pressurised environment Have excellent customer service skillsSpeak fluent EnglishThis is a full time permanent position, the nature of the industry means that this role will include a variety of shift & weekend work.Just some of the benefits of working in our hotel;Excellent Hotel staff rates across Ireland, UK & Continental EuropeEmployee Assistance ProgrammeStaff uniformStaff mealsCanteen facilitiesDiscounted Gym membershipFree Car ParkingTraining & Development opportunitiesCareer progression opportunitiesTo Apply If you would like to apply for this role, please forward your CV through this website.

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