Chef, Qualified

RESPONSIBLE TO:      Director of Nursing: Reporting Directly to Head Chef RESPONSIBLE FOR:     All Cooks and kitchen Porters MAIN PURPOSE OF JOB: To ensure food and beverages are prepared to  the standard directed and in line with the HACCP system in place in Carechoice.  General Responsibilities:To be passionate about the delivery of and creative in the delivery of safe, wholesome nutritious food that caters for the preferences and needs of all our residents.To act at all times in a professional manner to residents, visitors and staff within the home.To attend appropriate training sessions to further knowledge, skills as deemed necessary by your line managerTo help maintain a safe environment for staff, residents and visitors, through awareness of health and safety policies and by attending health and safety training as required.To be IT literate and maintain accurate records on internal systems as required. Specific Duties                                   KRA: Personal PresentationEnsuring that ones personal demeanour, attitudes and interactions are at all times professional in approachPresented in the full company uniform at all timesMaintaining a high degree of personal hygienePresented in Personal protective Equipment (PPE) where applicablePractice and promote Nursing home guidelines on hand washing and Infection Control to protect oneself and othersAdherence to guidelines on Absenteeism Lateness and sickness KRA: Job Application - Kitchen Food preparation and production to the agreed meal plan with consideration for all residents dietary requirementsAdherence to the safe storage and use of all food and cleaning productsChecking and recording incoming goods to verify quality and quantityCompliance with HACCP guidelines as directed by the Head Chef ensuring all work practices are in line with regulationsMeeting agreed time lines in food preparation and productionEnsuring waste is to a minimumRotate where necessary to meet the catering demands of the role KRA: Health and Safety Awareness Adherence to precautions identified in the infection control policyAttending to any spillages to avoid any accidentAssisting in the disposal of clinical waste in line with Nursing home policyApplication of ‘Manual Handling’ Techniques as trainedCompliance with fire safety regulationsCompliance with the Safety statementEnsuring the work area is a safe environment for residents and visitorsFamiliar with the Health and safety at work Act 2005Compliance with H.A.C.C.P guidelines and all ‘Food Safety’ best practicesAdherence to all national and local health and safety policies and guidelinesCarry out practical duties only when competent to do soAssisting in the hygiene of equipment such as hoists, call bells and chairsReporting any defects in equipment KRA: Communication and Relationships Directing any queries regarding residents welfare to the Nursing staffWorking as part of the teamAttending Department meetings as requiredAware of all internal memos and directives by managementAttending the six monthly communication meetingsCommunicating any grievances with line managementMaintaining an open and honest relationship with all departments including the kitchen, Activities, Maintenance, finance, Human Resources and Owners   KRA: Administration and Continuous Improvement Attending mandatory training and other training as directedAttending probationary meetings in the first 6 months of service with the nursing homeAttending six monthly appraisals with the Line ManagementAware of all policies and any changes or amendments that are made to the nursing home policiesContributing to own personal development and attending training and development where neededDemonstration of Values All employees should continually promote legacy of Company Culture through demonstrating its values Competence, Integrity and Ethics, Teamwork and CommunicationConfidentiality It is a condition of employment that staff will not disclose any information obtained during the course of their work other than to those entitled to receive it. Variation to duties You may be required to undertake other duties as may reasonably be expected of you within the scope of the post. Amending the job description This Job description indicates the main functions and responsibilities of the post and is subject to review and amendment to reflect changing circumstances and it may include other responsibilities as may be determined from time to time by the Director of Nursing or other designated Line manager 

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