Chef Part time

Chef - Part TimeDo you have a passion for cooking?Are you looking for a part time role?Are you able to work in a fast pace environment? If yes, apply now!As part of Pilgrims’ Friend Society, we aim to create a supportive environment which respects and celebrates Christian beliefs. From cooking to other roles, our dedication to holistic care shines through, ensuring dedicated support at every level. Our campaign ‘Touching Lives’ recognises that each individual is unique, and we are there to strive to create a nurturing environment where the people who live with us (family members) feel cared for. We aim to enhance the quality of our family members lives and create a happy environment.Middlefields House is looking to appoint a forward-thinking person who is organised and efficient to provide high-quality service in a residential and/or commercial setting. This role is ideal for a candidate who has experience as a cook and would ideally like a role that both supports the Catering Manager or a kitchen assistant who is looking for the next step-up and build on their experience.Middlefields House is a newly built care home built for 48 residents with dementia and respite care in Chippenham. View our stunning home here.Responsibilities: Prepare, cook and serve nutritionally balanced and attractive meals with due regard to preferences and special dietary needs.Observe food hygiene regulations.Observe all minimum temperature and food hygiene regulations during cooking, reheating and serving of food.Maintain the kitchen and food storage rooms, crockery, cutlery and utensils in a high state of cleanliness and tidiness.Maintain all records when on duty.Attend meetings and training activities as required.Work as part of a team and be willing to take on any task, within your capabilities, to provide an excellent service to our residents.For more details please take a look at the Job Description About you:You need to be someone who enjoys working with older people and cares about their unique and diverse needs;You have a heart for our elderly residents;You must enjoy cooking and be able to cook and prepare food to a good standard;A basic food hygiene certificate and a food-related qualification would be an advantage but is not essential, as long as you have cooking skills and experience;Willing to take on a flexible working pattern and ensure cover at all times.For more details please take a look at the Person Specification. Hours:26 hours per week including weekend shiftsWeek 1: Weds 8-3pm/ Thur 10-5pm/ Fri 8-2.30pm/Sat 10.30-5pmWeek 2: Mon 10.30-5pm/ Tues 10-5pm/Thur 9-2pm/ Sat 10.30-5pmWorking 3 Saturdays out of 4 with flexibility for special requests for ad hoc Saturdays.Benefits:Bank holiday rate: £19.04 p/hTraining & developmentCareer development: Whether you are starting your career or looking to expand your skills.Paid DBS checksBeing part of our friendly and committed staff teamOngoing support from managementGuaranteed hoursFlexible working: various working hoursEmployee assistance programmeTeam eventsPerkbox rewardsPension schemeCare Friends referral Long-standing service rewardsBirthday rewards  — What our staff say about working at Middlefields House: …“making a difference to the residences' lives … —Pilgrims’ Friend Society is a registered charity. Our Christian ethos is central to everything we plan and do. We welcome applications from people of all backgrounds. Please note: this vacancy may close sooner if sufficient applications have been received so please apply as soon as possible if interested. INDHSP

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