Chef Grade 2 Panel

Chef Grade 2 Panel Full Time and Part Time (32 hours) The Chef Grade 2 will report to the Senior Chef and Catering OfficersProfessional advice and support regarding such matters as policies and procedures will be provided by the Deputy Catering Manager. Responsibilities - The post holder will be responsible for; ·        Requisitioning of foodstuffs and materialsPreparation of both raw and cooked foodCooking food to required standardsPortioning and packing of both raw and cooked foodRotation and allocation of foodstuffsLabelling, chilling and storage of foodRegeneration and services of foodRecord keepingMaintaining the cleanliness and good order of area of assignment and associated areas to the highest possible standard in line with Mercy University Hospital and HSE policyEfficient and economical use of materials and equipmentAdhere to specifications, standards and procedures while at workPractice all hygiene, cook-chill and health and safety procedures, including Hazard Analysis & Critical Control Point (HACCP)Report mechanical defects and need for repairsTake all necessary steps to ensure the maximum security of your area of assignment and all equipment and supplies contained thereinReport to management immediately any accidents, fire, stock loss, damage, unfit food and take such action as may be appropriate.Assist with special functions as requiredProvide assistance and advice to staff in packing/plating areas on portion sizeChecking the meals at all service points throughout the site for quality, quantity and presentationSupervise staff in the performance of their duties in the kitchen and in doing so, to ensure total compliance with the MUH and statutory standards, including health and safety and to advise the relevant manager of any deviations from same Eligibility Criteria:Candidates must, at the latest date of application: Have obtained a Professional Cookery award at minimum Level 6 on National Framework of Qualifications (NFQ) or equivalent maintained by the Quality and Qualifications Ireland (QQI).Or(ii) Have obtained an equivalent qualification to (i) from another jurisdiction.Or(iii) Be currently employed as a Chef in the Irish Health Service.And(b) Candidates must possess the requisite knowledge and ability, including a high standard of suitability and professional ability, for the properdischarge of the duties of the office.   Closing date for Applicants is 29th July 2024 1 PMThe MUH reserve the right to create a panel for this post from which permanent, fixed term and specified purpose vacancies of a full or part time duration may be filled.

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