Chef - Dublin South

Virtue Integrated Elder Care are currently recruiting for a Chef  to join our Southside Nursing Home, Altadore Retirement Home in Glenageary, Co. Dublin to co-ordinate the day-to-day catering operation, maintaining high standards of food and service. Duties Include (but are not limited to):Ensure that the highest standard of food quality, Nutrition, presentation and service are achieved and maintained at all timesEnsure regular monitoring of menus for variety and cost and to provide innovative ideas for menu planningHave experience and knowledge in relation to modified DietsThe performance of any reasonable task which assists with the efficient operation of the unit Desired Skills:A passion for service and qualityGood people management skillsFlexibility and ability to work on own initiativeResponsibility of stock managementProfessionalism and the ability to communicate appropriately at all levels of the businessHands-on operator with the ability to lead by example through operational excellenceAn excellent knowledge of Food Hygiene including HACCP Qualification / Experience:Degree or Qualification in: Food Production / Culinary Arts and / or operational experience in: Working in a Nursing Home or Healthcare Environment is preferable 

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