Chef de Partie

The Ellison Hotel, Castlebar, Co. Mayo is currently seeking an enthusiastic and energetic Chef de Partie to join or friendly and dynamic team.The Ellison Hotel, part of the Comer Group Ireland Hotels and has undertaken significant refurbishments. Reporting to the Head Chef your role will be to prepare food to the highest standard while providing an excellent dining experience to guests.Duties and ResponsibilitiesTo prepare and present all hot and cold food items for the section to the agreed standards of The EllisonTo work professionally as a team member in the kitchen during service, continuing to learn and develop your skills.To assist other chefs, and take direction from senior chefsExperience, Skills and Qualifications Food Hygiene certificate Level 2 desired but not essentialKitchen experience advantageousA team player who is prepared to assist colleagues and move from one activity to another as requiredExcellent attention to detailA commitment to completing a high standard of work to agreed deadlines and timescales while having the appropriate knowledge and understandingA good understanding of all applicable Health and Safety legislationKnowledge and understanding of nutritional and allergen requirementsFull understanding of HACCPStrong passion and love for foodEnthusiasm for the role and for the hospitality industry in generalFlexibility to work shifts including weekends and public holidaysBenefits Free on-site parkingSubsidised lunchesDiscounted rates at Comer Group Ireland managed hotelsDiscounted rates at Comer Group Ireland managed Spa and Leisure FacilitiesDiscounted rates at Comer Group Ireland RestaurantsDue to the high level of applications for this role, only successful candidates will be contacted

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