Chef de Partie

We have a fantastic new vacancy for a Chef de Partie in the beautiful Dunboyne Castle Hotel & SpaDunboyne Castle Hotel & Spa is a luxury estate, nestled in 21 acres of lush green Meath countryside. The Georgian mansion which welcomes visitors today was originally built in 1764, on the same site as the original castle.What will you be doing?All our team pride themselves in offering exceptional guest service to ensure we always go above our service standards. Your role with us will include:Work along side our team of chefs to ensure the overall smooth running of the kitchen.Work as part of a team to deliver quality service.Take direction from department managers and to assist in the monitoring of food quality and hygiene standards.Adhere to HACCP regulations at all times.What have you done before?Notwithstanding your positivity and ambition for hospitality we ideally would ideally like you to have some experience for your role as outlined below:Have previous experience working within hotels or in a similar establishment.Prior experience working in a busy kitchen.Have a passion for and genuine interest in food.Have a mature and pleasant manner for dealing with customers and team members.Why should you join our team?We offer the below to all our team members.A welcoming and supportive team environmentOpportunities for developmentCompany eventsCompany discountsComplimentary car-parkingMeal on dutyIf you are interested in further developing your knowledge and experience in the industry, please apply online.#hospitalitywithheart #joinourteam #hiring 

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