Chef de partie

Must have previous experienceMust be courteous and focused on providing a consistently high standard of customer serviceMust be standards driven and detail-orientatedMust have the ability to multi-task in fast-paced environmentMust have a good command of the English LanguageMust have excellent self-presentationMust have an excellent working knowledge of HACCPResponsibilities include:To contribute to the best of your ability to the production of food items.To ensure all dishes are prepared in a timely fashion and to the appropriate agreed standard.To be familiar with the menu of the day and know your responsibilities in accordance with the menu.To ensure excellent food hygiene practice is observed in the entire food chain from storage through to preparation and service.To ensure HACCP compliance within the kitchen and all Food & Beverage outlets.To avoid unnecessary wastage by observing proper control methodsEnsure the kitchen equipment is in working order; report any maintenance issues to your Head of DepartmentThe ideal candidate will come from at least a 4 star background preferably with experience in a hotel or restaurant and should be flexible.The successful candidate will possess strong interpersonal skills and will need to be flexible in their working hours.

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