Chef De Partie

The Fitzwilton is a beautifully styled boutique hotel with modern designs, features and comforts throughout. It boasts 90 bedrooms and suites, contemporary in style, blending traditional woods with modern art and accessories, with many offering views across Waterford's cityscape and the River Suir.Perfectly located a mere two minute stroll from the City’s main train and bus station, 5 minutes cycle from the start of the Waterford Greenway and a short walk from Waterford’s main shopping area and Viking QuarterWe are recruiting for a Chef De Partie. Flexible working hours available for 3 , 4 or 5 day week. If you have the right attitude and energy you will have great opportunities to progress within the hotel and our group. Our company is a place where you can do great things – individually and as a team. You will have the opportunity to develop your talent, be recognised and rewarded for your commitment and pursue a fulfilling career. We also have a number of unique and recognised training programmes to aid your professional and personal development.Key Responsibilities:To contribute to the production of food in accordance with instructions from the Head Chef/Sous Chef.Produce high quality dishes consistently that follow up the established menu and level of 4* the hotels standards.To be proficient in working all sections of the kitchenTo ensure HACCP compliance within the kitchen.To ensure that any anticipated shortages are communicated promptly to the Sous Chef/Head Chef.To ensure that all stocks are kept under optimum conditions.To ensure that all statutory, as well as company, hygiene regulations are being strictly adhered toMake sure the hygiene and food safety standards are met in all stages of food preparation, starting with the ingredients and ending with the finished dish which leaves the kitchen.The successful candidate will have:Minimum 1 years' experience as a ChefExtensive Knowledge of good food handling, food standards and presentationExcellent organisational and communication skillsFluency in English written and spokenHACCP qualificationBe focused on providing consistently high standardsAbility to work alone and as part of a teamSkills:HACCAP Passion Cooking Creativity

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