Chef de Partie

The Anner Hotel is a 4 star hotel located in Thurles, mid-way between the cities of Cork & Dublin and is only 1.5 hours from all major cities. In the heart of Tipperary, The Anner Hotel offers great accommodation with 92 guest rooms all tastefully decorated in restful tones, Fine casual dining in Ed Bistro and Seasons Restaurant, private dining, conference suites and an extensive leisure centre with an 18 metre pool. We have an exciting opportunity for a Chef de Partie to join our team. The Role:The successful candidate will be professional, enthusiastic and trustworthy. This is an exciting opportunity for someone who has a great passion for the food function of the hotel and is looking to develop their career. Previous experience working in a fast-paced hotel environment is desired. The Chef de Partie will assist the Head Chef & Sous Chef with the overall running of the Kitchen and all back of house areas. Duties include but not limited to:·      To take direction from Head Chef and assist in the monitoring of food quality and hygiene standards·      To assist in the preparation of food according to recipes and cooking standards·      To adhere to haccp regulations at all times·      Provide a safe and secure environment for customers, staff and visitors at all times.·      Support your fellow kitchen team in observing appropriate systems of hygiene during food preparation and storage. Requirements:·      Have previous experience in a similar position within a 4* hotel·      Well presented and approachable with excellent attention to detail·      Have a passion for and genuine interest in food·      Have a mature and pleasant manner for dealing with team members and be a team player·      Be able to work under pressure in a busy kitchen environment·      Have good knowledge of HACCP procedures and regulationsEmployee Benefits:Meals on dutyAccommodation providedEmployee Assistance ProgrammeEmployee Recognition AwardsF&B discounts in Windward Management propertiesBike to Work SchemeGym & Leisure Centre membershipEducational Training ProgrammeUniform providedComplimentary car parking References:All employment offers made are subject to a valid work permit and two satisfactory references.  

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