Chef De Partie

We are currently looking for full time Chef de Partie for our Avoca Suffolk Street location. The ideal candidate would ideally have general Chef de Partie experience working in a fast paced service environment.This role is for immediate start, 5 days per week and is a permanent full-time contract.Key Responsibilities:Maintain the highest standards in food hygiene, service & presentation (HACCP & Health & Safety Legislation)Assist with menu planning and menu costings to ensure that the budgeted Gross Profit Margin is achieved, eliminating waste where possible.Assist with food orders in line with company purchasing policy, ensuring that only suppliers from the approved supplier list are used.To ensure that any Food Safety/Quality records assigned to you are being carried out daily within the kitchen and related areas, without exception.To lead the performance of the team to deliver the highest standards of food for our clients.To share responsibility with the Head Chef for the checking, probing, and signing of all food deliveries to ensure that only the highest standards of produce is accepted into the unit.To ensure that food presentation is innovative, and at the required temperatures are recorded on the appropriate charts.To assist with carrying out stock takes as appropriate.To review the kitchen hazard list every week with the Head Chef.To maintain good communications and working relationships with your client, customers, and all staff.Key Requirements:Relevant culinary qualification1-2 years’ experience in a Professional kitchen.Experience in industrial catering.Experience of H.A.C.C.P. documentationExperience of menu planningAbility to work on own initiative and as part of a teamMaintain high standards of personal hygieneProfessional and Courteous mannerAbility to manage multiple tasksAbility to deal and communicate effectively with staff and customers at all levelsAbility to follow accurately and issue instructions, written or oralStrong financial acumen with the ability to manage food costings and ensure budgets are metAvoca is an equal opportunities employer.Skills:Food safetyFood PreparationCulinary Skills

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