Chef Bethany House

1.     Beechfield care group- Bethany House Nursng Home  Beechfield Care Group are currently seeking to recruit Chef to assume responsibility for the care of residents at Bethany House Nursing Home, Tyrellspass, Co. Westmeath N91P5P6 We are a long-established Nursing Home Group based Dublin, Carlow, Meath, Westmeath & Kildare. Our mission is to provide the best standard of quality care to our residents. Our philosophy places the care of the resident at the heart of the nursing home. About Bethany House Bethany House Nursing Home is a purpose-built residential home situated in the picturesque village of Tyrellspass pleasantly located in the heart of the midlands in the Lake County of Westmeath. But what really makes us special is our homely country atmosphere brought to life by our residents, families, staff, and our pets. Every resident is unique, and we respect and value each individual for who they are. We take immense pride in our wonderful care team, who strive to continuously create an environment that meets all the needs of each resident, and this is essential in ensuring and keeping the high standard that we set for ourselves.About the role: The Chef or is a key position in the nursing home, with responsibility for ensuring that “The resident is provided with a nutritious and varied diet, which meets his/her individual and dietary needs and preferences.”Role ResponsibilitiesØ Supervision and preparation of the cooking and serving of delicious and nutritious hot and cold meals, as and when required for residents.Ø Providing for special dietary requirements where necessary and taking into account the preferences of individual residentsØ Consulting with the PIC when planning / costing menus to provide a balanced nutritious diet and making the best use of available fresh foods.Ø Ensuring statutory Health and Safety standards in the kitchen and dining areas.Ø Understanding and ensuring the implementation of the Home’s Health and Safety, Infection Control and Hygiene policies, and Emergency and Fire procedures.  Role Requirements: Ø Formally trained.Ø Fully certified in HACCPØ Trained in modified food as per SALT guidelines.Ø Comply with all Food hygiene regulations.Ø Have a background in management of a kitchen environment.Ø Fluent in English, speaking & writing.Ø Experience in a Nursing Home / Hospital environment an advantage. Great benefits on offer:Ø An excellent remuneration available to the successful candidate.Ø Free Meals on siteØ Paid trainingØ Free parkingØ Flexible working hoursØ Education & DevelopmentØ Summer & Christmas PartiesØ Employee Assistance ProgrammeØ Long service, Employee recognition and appreciation awards

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