
Avoca is currently recruiting for a Cheesemonger for our Avoca Dunboyne location. The role is permanent 5 days over 7 for immediate start. Candidates are required to have a keen interest in cheese, however full training will be provided.Responsibilities:- Preparing and presenting cheese products in our cheese counter display, in keeping with high Avoca brand standards.- Following all HACCP and food safety regulations, as well as any additional in-house SOPs, labelling requirements etc.- Good knowledge of premium cheese and food products and able to give customer recommendations etc.- Maintaining an excellent standard of customer service.- Maintaining cheese supplies in store through internal ordering processes.Requirements:- Ideally a good knowledge of cheese and retail food products- Previous experience in a food retail role- Excellent attention to detail- Ability to work well as part of a teamSkills:- Food Safety- Food Knowledge- Retail

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